Friday, July 15, 2022

Got the coat!

Work went fine last night.  Came home to a squashed Amazon box on the porch.  Opened it up to my coat, which was fine.  

It is very warm and fits great.  It has a fleece lining in the hood and body.  Should fit in my bag OK I haven't checked but pretty sure I can stuff it in there.  I will make it work.  Nice light color so bus will see me.  

It is a nice ivory color I like cream/ivory so that's good.  Now if I didn't ride the bus I would have gotten something else but this is "fine" for me.  And I couldn't do better than $20 for a nice coat even at work.  

Talked to my parents, they continue to heal up, aunt and uncle are back home, everyone is doing well so happy about that.  Cats are good. Couldn't find any ants in the bedroom this morning so I am hopeful.  Plan is to sprinkle the Spectracide around the house on Monday and then start sleeping in my bed again Tuesday.  For now Ron's bed is working.  

I bought more candy last night I was almost out.  I go through pounds of candy a week, and then a packet of the mylar meat stuff (like chopped cooked seasoned chicken, that sort of thing) once a week with one driver who doesn't do candy.  So she gets the meat pouch with a spork and a Scripture booklet.  I aim to serve!  It will be interesting one day to see what kind of impact I may have had on people getting saved or even getting back to God after a backslide or something.  

I had a no-booklet bag of candy for the lady at the money center last night who did my gas bill.  That is paid up, and now I have an extra $10 for the bus.  I took $40 out of checking and it was about $28 for the bill with the fee added so that means I have an extra $10, which I will put towards transportation.  

Jack picked me up and told me it is his birthday this weekend.  He said he is probably going out to dinner.  I always carry an extra $20 on me in case I need a ride unexpectedly so I gave that to him along with the regular $20 for the ride.  He was very touched.  He gets I am working at Walmart and don't make much money but wanted to give him something so he has that, glad I did that.  I am glad he is going to have fun.  

Tonight I need to call my cab driver buddy and set up tomorrow morning, that lets me sleep in 2 hours.  Sunday morning sucks because I have to get up at 3 and take the bus to work, but that bus driver needs the gospel too.  Actually those 3 bus drivers... so I will do that.  

Sadly if I had a lot of money or a devoted man who wanted to be my Ride Daddy I would probably never ride the bus and no one would get reached.  So I focus on that.  

Another thing I am trying to do is focus on praising God in advance of the victory "Thank you for a good day at work" before I get there "Thank you for good rides to work" before I go out to catch the bus, etc.  I think that is important.  The ancient Israelites, when they were right with God, would go out into battle praising God for the victory before they even drew their weapons.  And if they were right with God He would give them amazing victories.  I think that is worth emulating.  I don't think He minds at any rate!  

That is the bad thing for me, I have suffered spiritual abuse (I will go into this in the next couple days) from Ron and also the pastor I had who called me a drug addict for taking my medication.  It is hard to trust people with my faith because I have been burned.  Ron was not rational at times about my faith and would get very angry if I expressed it.  So I have had to figure my faith out as I went along reading the Bible and a few devotionals, trying to keep my hands clean and my faith pure while serving God.  

I need to take my shower. All done and ready to go.  I may need to buy more candy at work tonight I will see what they have.  The Mega Brands mix is good people like the laffy taffy, lemonheads, stuff like that which is good.  A lot of candy brands put 1-2 good things, a handful of each, and then pounds of icky filler no one wants to eat.  I am always seeking individually wrapped candy that won't melt in our heat.  It is funny work probably thinks I am some sort of sugar fiend with me buying all this on my discount card (permitted).  

I weighed myself today my weight did not go up from what it was Wednesday morning.  I am very happy about that.  I very seldom "cheat" these days and I want to continue to get healthy.  

I am debating, for instance, do I bring some tuna salad to work to eat tomorrow morning or get my usual donut?  They have been a little disappointing lately.  But then I have to do meal prep.  

I'm sure not doing it tonight when I get home I call my parents and go straight to bed, sleep about 6 hours, go back to work.  Sunday morning I have to get up at 3.  So I may just do the donut I don't know.  

I also need to look at my credit card statement.  I was using it a lot Wednesday and I will have to pay that down.  The house stuff I will take out of checking but I can make payments on the "fun" stuff I got.  And the coat came out of checking so I don't have to worry about that.  

Ants are not in the bed but I did see one in my clothes for the day.  So I don't plan on sleeping in my bed tonight.  I will play toxic avenger on Monday.  

That's it for now.  


Melanie said...

I love your coat, ivory is my favorite clothing color. If I could afford the replacement and the maintenance, my entire wardrobe would be ivory/winter white with a few black/brown/charcoal pieces to ground it, and the only color a few scarves, accessories of that type. Kind of a "capsule wardrobe" concept. I hate having to think about what goes with what, and ivory is soothing to me (no beige though, makes my complexion look orange-ish).

Glad things seem to be going well for you (it almost goes without saying, "under the circumstances"). Lost my husband to cancer over 2 years ago now-4 days before our 40th anniversary-still miss him, still have trouble grasping that this is the reality of my life for the rest of my days on earth-materially things are ok-just feel like I lost my purpose on earth without him, things don't seem to matter without him here with his "groundedness" to make them matter. It's not as bad as that sounded-but I do feel like I'm just marking time now. Thank goodness for my remaining dog to give me some purpose-that sounds pathetic lol but it's really not since I love this dog:)

I suppose one plus is that I've been able to widen my cooking repertoire-he did not have an adventurous palate whatsoever-today's project is to break in my tagine with a chicken/veg/preserved lemon/dried fruit recipe-have a discovered a love of good Indian and Moroccan food:)

Heather Knits said...

It's a massive adjustment getting used to a loss like that. One thing I found I wear perfume every day now; he couldn't stand perfume but I like it.

Re: wardrobe mine changes based on mood so I like to have a spectrum of color. The jeans and a t shirt concept for work does pretty well for me.

But I don't think you ever really get used to being a widow.