Sunday, July 24, 2022

Freaks and geeks

Ick factor ahead skip to +++ if you want to pass it up.  

Not long ago one bus driver was talking about my second route, called it the "freaks and geeks" route and "Especially bad at X intersection".  At X intersection yesterday a homeless man got on, picking at scabs on his arm and bleeding everywhere, rubbing the blood around and putting the bloody arm against the seat, hand rail, etc.  It was completely disgusting I almost vomited.  I couldn't believe the driver let him on the bus.  

Later on a woman got on, also homeless, at the hospital, and it was apparent she had not washed her hair in a very long time.  My scalp crawled looking at it.  Happily I always wear my hair pinned up on the bus so I didn't have to worry about lice or bedbugs.  

So I have decided I am going to wear gloves when riding the bus from now on.  At least on the freaks and geeks route.  

The sad thing, I understand 1.  Not wanting to bathe when depressed (because there are places absolutely would have given her a shower) and 2.  Picking at your skin when depressed, I have done that off and on for a long time (but never like that).  That doesn't make it OK on the bus.  I was particularly peeved at the driver for letting him on.  He was bleeding when he got on.  

+++ So all done with that.  I will bring gloves today, I have them.  I got them for homecare but found I worked better bare handed.  And I was exposed to anything Ron had a long time ago.  So I have a box and a half of gloves.  

I did not sleep great last night but I seem to have "enough" energy.  I work 5 hours today (after riding in on the bus) and then a 2 hour bus ride home.  I am not wasting money on a ride unless it is raining.  The street floods if it rains and I can't ruin a $40 pair of shoes over a $20 cab ride.  I always carry an extra $20 for just that, emergency cab rides.  

I may try to take my break later, it is insane in the breakroom between 12-1.  I start at 10.  So I may just take my break at 1 if I can get it.  I do have a little wiggle room in when I take my breaks.  I am really surprised I have two, five and a half hour shifts, leading up to tax free weekend.  I would think they would give me more hours, not less, but I am not stuck there 7 hours because I had to take a lunch break at 6 hours either.  I will go ahead and bring a lunch if they do want me to work longer.  And I will save $40 on rides because I don't have to pay Jack to get me at 10.  I will need to tell him this.  

Oh I am tired... I am going to take my shower and get that over with.  I had a protein shake with 2 T of coconut oil too.  

Tonight I need to go to bed at 7.  Last night I was so tired I took a nap, got up for an hour, and then went to bed but I should have just gone to bed early.  So I will likely do that tonight.  

My weight was back down to 201.  That is encouraging as I did go over my limits yesterday.  

I was doing my Bible study in the back bedroom and could hear bass notes from my music, which was down at volume level 6.  I thought that was quiet enough, apparently not.  I was horrified and turned it off, just listening to music on my cell phone now.  I would never want to be the person keeping a neighbor up.  And the one I worry about is a nurse, I would never want to keep her up.  

I was lying in bed this morning and I heard something shrieking being brought in through the cat door.  I did not find anything on the floor.  Ick.  So where was it?  That is a game you play a lot with a cat door... where is it?  

It is a cicadia and it is in the kitchen on the light fixture.  The cats will get it eventually if I can't get it out the front door.  I need to get dressed...

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