Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday morning

Well both parents are sick with COVID but they sound pretty good considering.  Their doctor chose not to give them any treatment for it which bothers me.  They both have risk factors and to me would be ideal candidates for help.  But I'm not the doctor or the POA so it's not up to me.  

Slept OK last night could have used more.  Turned on my praise music when I got up but not loud enough to bother anyone.  I have a nurse living next door in #2 so I am not going to bother her.  I wouldn't bother her if she were a stripper, but I do respect nurses.  

Cats are good.  I did up my candy to hand out.  Did my God Time.  Got my shower and dressed, I changed my jeans I wear them a couple days in a row.  They look OK but 3 days in a row, in the summer, seems enough.  I am wearing my $10 (work brand) bootcut jeans.  I don't like skinny cut when it's hot out.  My aunt did say she would help take me to the thrift shop when she comes to visit so that should be fun.  I would like to get my glasses tuned up and then the thrift shop.  We also need to do the tree and I think that is plenty (aside from lunch).  We'll see what she feels like doing.  

Work is generally pretty slow until around 11:30 on a Sunday and then it gets lively.  We will see if it does that today.  I made up some tuna.  I get up, first thing, I pull my hair back and do the tuna.  Then I take a shower so I can get off tuna juice if it got on me.  I don't want to smell like food especially with some of the stray dogs in the area.  I don't want them to see me as a food provider.  

I am wearing my "imposter" version of "Red" I like that.  I had a terrible time with Ron when we first got together, the first several years every time I found a nice perfume he would have an association with a former lover.  It was very frustrating.  Red came out after we got together so he didn't have an association, so I wore that.  I wore that when he was in the ICU hoping the smell would trigger him on some level.  One time, about a year after the accident, I was walking with a small aerosol bottle of the "Red" in my backpack, the lid came off and it leaked all over me and the backpack.  I had to throw out the backpack.  It took a couple days to get the scent off of me and I was done with it for a while, but I got it again last year after Ron died.  

Ron was very sensitive to fragrance the last couple years and literally couldn't even handle the smell of bath soap, much less common cleaning products.  It made life difficult for me.  So I didn't wear any perfume.  But he's gone now so I do wear it especially on hot days.  I would rather smell like perfume than BO.  I don't wear much.  

That's it for now, I have to go to work.  Will post after work if I don't get raptured.   

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