Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday night

Weekend work is like dog years 3x as intense.  

I was fine getting to work, it is still light out when I leave.  I noted construction activity across the street from my primary bus stop which I found interesting.  

I got there and had a pretty average day until I left, the homeless guy with the big dog was at the bus stop again.  He is one of those guys with a squeegee and likes to do people's cars without permission.  It is very awkward for me as some people have gotten out of their car in the middle of the intersection screaming at him and glaring at me.  I'm not with him!  I'm just waiting on a bus!  He was pretty subdued today I think he was out of cash and looking to make a quick buck, but it wasn't happening.  I felt bad for the dog.  

First bus was fine, then the second bus...caught the earlier bus today happy about that.  But we passed a broken down bus and I made a comment, then our bus started acting up.  She had to turn it off and turn it on again.  Thank God that worked.  I got home OK.  

My plants looked pitiful in the yard so I watered them and also watered around where they did the work.  I rolled up the hose, came inside, a horrible smell.  I had taken an iffy cucumber out of the fridge this morning and it had stunk up the whole house.  Yuck.  I got rid of it, washed my hands, went to the bathroom.  Surprise!  It's my irregular visitor.  I took care of that.  

I talked to my aunt on the way home, Mom and Dad are apparently busy.  They have another half hour to contact me and then I am turning off the phone and going to bed.  I need my sleep.  

I did a fridge inventory I have plenty of sausage, but need more tuna.  I also plan to get more tortillas tomorrow as well.  I can pack tuna and tortillas home in my bag.  I don't really need a grocery run, happily, because I only have 2 days off, and getting supplies on the bus takes up half a day.  

That's it for now.  

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