Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ron answers questions about being blind

Ron is, apparently, very unusual.

K, to answer your question, Ron "looked" in the trashcan by feeling with his hands.  Remember the old saying "See with your eyes, not your hands"?  Ron sees with his hands, not his eyes.  That's the short version and probably explains 75% of the questions you would have.

I should say, "hand" because one hand is partially paralyzed and doesn't have good sensation.  If he wants to "see" something, he feels it with his left hand.

Here is a video of Ron at work:

Notice how the hand is always "looking".

I decided the most reasonable thing to do would be to have him answer you, himself, so I told him a reader had some questions and made a brief video.  It's uploading now.

Done, hope this answers your questions.

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