Saturday, August 4, 2012


I understand.  I do, and that's what makes it sad.

I don't know if I mentioned, we got a letter from the insurance company.  They have 4 issues:  Tree branches over the roof, other branches (red-tips) overhanging the roof, overgrown back, and "repair garage" which I assume refers to the trim and siding.

I've battled a cold this last week.  I've tried to take it easy, and that meant no yard work.

Last night I sleep horribly.  When I told Ron, he was very unsympathetic.  "You never sleep well".  No, 98% of the time I sleep great.  1% I get freaky nightmares, and the other 1% I just can't get a good quality of sleep.

Last night, I couldn't drop off, and couldn't stay asleep.  I still got up, took my pills, bought our merchandise, and went to work.  We went to work, I came home, and took a nap.

I was awakened by the sound of the neighbor kids.  I know a lot of people talk about "The wonderful sound of happy children playing".  I, on the other hand, wonder what they are doing.  Are they ripping up the fence?  Tearing up the siding?  The sound of kids right by my wall makes me a little nervous.

I sure couldn't sleep, so I got up and re-read the letter.  Clearly, I am unable to do the siding or garage trim on my own.

Could I do the "overhanging branches"?  I got the stepladder and went outside.  Before I had ascended the second step, mosquitoes were dining on my legs.  I got down and sprayed myself with bug repellent.

Take two.  I saw the branch in question.  It is about 2-3 inches in diameter.  Clearly, overhanging the house.  I couldn't get up high enough to get it, and my "snippers" only go up to about an inch and a half in diameter.

As the saying goes, "Not today".  I went around to the south side and had a look at the red-tips.  Plenty of branches overhanging, and most of them in range.  I got to work, snipping.

Then I cut them into pieces and put them in the garbage can.

In the meantime, Ron had called my uncle to see if he could help with the branch.  No, he said, but he'd be happy to help pay for it.

I told Ron, I can get it.  I just need a taller ladder and a better tool.  Ron called a guy from church to see if we could borrow something.  They said they would get it.

Ron's grateful, I'm sure, but he wants to be the guy who's out there getting it.  It makes him angry that he can't.   * He gets so contaminated with resentment and frustration, he can't even hear what I'm saying.

He's been complaining about a particular hanging branch in the front yard.  It hangs down into the metro lift cabs.  He mentioned he wanted me to trim it.

So, I thought, I'll get Ron to help me trim the lower branches today.  He grabs the branch and pulls it down, I cut it.   Now, go back to the * sentence and read it.

I went in to see if he felt up to it.

He told me to bring a trash can for the clippings.  I told him, it's full, but I can get a bagster and fill it with the extra waste, they will come and pick it up.

[I was unaware they charge over $100 to pick up the portable dumpster.  No way can I afford that!]

I told Ron, don't worry, I'll get it.  No, he said, we had to put all the branches in the trash can, today.  I told him, I had enough trimmings for 4 trash cans.

He got really upset and started cursing.  It was mostly directed at God.

I asked him where he wanted to go, the branches, or the trash can.  He made a really sarcastic comment.  I restated.  Did he want me to take the branches to the trash can, or the trash can to the branches?  He said yes to the first and then yelled at me when I did, saying he meant take the can to the branches.  He looked in the trash can, said I cut up the branches "all wrong" and began shoving on them.  Then I took the can, as directed, over by the remaining cut branches.

He was so ugly, cursing and shouting, but I stayed to help.  He then shouted that he was sick of my ugly, hateful attitude.  Go away!

I admit I released a very skeptical "Ha!" before I went into the house.

I had planned to finish up the backyard today, but I don't want to be outside for him.  He was also really angry about the gate, but I told him it needed repair a week ago.  I also asked him to roll up the electric cord, 2 weeks ago, and he hasn't.

And I'm sure he will complain: I am messy.  I don't do any yard work.  I'm not pulling my weight.


I'm thinking.  If I'm weed-whacking I won't hear him ranting.  I'll go do that.  I already have the bug spray.


Kristee said...

How can he look into the trash can if he's blind? Im confused because of many things you say Ron does but I wonder how he can if he is really blind.

Heather Knits said...

I will answer your questions in a post.