Saturday, January 6, 2024

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the accident

 That's always a really bad day for me.  


Anonymous said...

You have to let it go. Let tomorrow just be another day of the week. How many more decades can you let it fester? Even Jesus said to forgive 7 times 70. It's time to forgive and move on.

Anonymous said...

That should not have an anniversary. Remember what the Bible tells us to think on, instead.
Change that negative into a positive maybe, buy yourself some flowers?

Heather Knits said...

One really odd fact the driver and I bonded over a Phil Collins song "Dreaming while you sleep".

There is a line in it about always being haunted by one moment in time. I gave Ron a good life, I know he's in Heaven. But one moment in time, one bad decision to run a red light, affected my life forever. The drivers as well.

I know he is thinking about it, too.