Thursday, January 18, 2024

Metro bus makes it much easier to give a compliment

 I had a really sweet driver.  All of a sudden she let out a scream and jerked the bus to one side.  Some idiot driving the wrong way.

We were fine, though.  I called customer service and told them; they immediately transferred me to the "resolution" number that picked up in about a minute.  The lady who took that call was delighted to have a happy customer.  I meant to, but forgot to ask, what percentage of the calls are positive.

So that was a nice start to my day.  I also had one driver very touched by the candy and almost didn't take it.  So I told him "I am the candy Lady" and he grinned and took it.  I have been told the drivers talk about me I guess that proves it.  Hopefully saying nice things.  

I have decided to be a blessing to everyone today.  Don't repay evil for evil.  I can do it if I remember to let God fill me up but you can bet I am working on that resume this weekend.  


Anonymous said...

"Don't repay evil for evil." This doesn't mean you have to take abuse from anyone, even your boss. You have to learn to stand up for yourself no one should be poking their finger in your face. Ever. That's assault.

Heather Knits said...

Well technically it was my shoulder.

I am doing some work this weekend.

Anonymous said...

You don't need a resume for McDonald's just fill out the application. Reason for leaving present job, transportation. Commuting four hours a day on the bus. Don't overthink it like you always do on everything, or keep praying for an answer. Those are excuses to put off what you know you should do.

Anonymous said...

God will open doors for you. He always does.