Thursday, January 18, 2024

I made it

 I thought it was interesting, the boss' chief snitch for the night shift was telling her about Maria's long absences, hour long breaks, 2 hour lunches, etc. and boss was pretty irked.  So hopefully the focus will turn to Maria "shaping her up" and leave me alone.  

She is very poor at training.  Then she gets angry the work isn't getting done.  This is endemic to the whole store: a profound lack of equipment even things like gloves and tape, are hidden away, stashed in lockers, etc.  One department steals equipment from another.  We have these huge carts with a ladder built into the side, they're called "topstock carts".  There is such a theft problem with the carts people were bringing them into the breakroom on their lunches.  To paraphrase the employee survey I "do not have the tools needed to do my job" and I always give them a failing mark on that.  

The other team lead seemed happy with the work I did.  I only work 6 hours tomorrow praise God.  

Ace was right on time, I think he was waiting.  He came and got me, took me home.  I like to chatter on my ride home, the one bus driver and I always chatted, much to the displeasure of the other passengers.  I also chat with Ace.  

Oh I almost forgot.  My third bus this morning was going down a busy street and we were chatting, female bus driver.  All of a sudden the bus lurches to the side and she screams.  A guy almost hit the bus head-on.  

I called Metro bus and told them I wanted to put in a compliment could they help?  And within 2 minutes someone was taking it.  They asked if they could "use my name" so it may be published.  I am OK with that.  They were so excited to get a compliment for a change.  

I thought it was very sweet when I got home, all 3 cats met me at the door, then I realized the food bowl was empty!  

I forget if I mentioned it but I uncovered my plants.  About half of the Lemon Verbena is frost-blasted but the base and most of the stems look really good, the quilt was a good call.  The mint is fine, I buried it in mulch and then covered it with the quilt which I had tacked down all around the garden bed (all 3 plants are in the one bed) with bricks.  The jasmine is like "What freeze?" it looks fantastic.  I put a cardboard box over it, with a quilt on top, and a brick on the box to hold it down.  

I wanted some comfort food so I made a cup of noodles when I got home.  I have a couple different flavors, I went with beef.  

That's it for now.   

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