Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday morning

 So last night my boss alternated between a terrible mood yelling at everyone and walking around grinning and happy.  It was exhausting but I decided not to take any of it personally.  I did what they asked me to do.  

After work I did some shopping, bought some cat food, litter, distilled water (I thought Biscuit might enjoy some), and some $2 catnip mice that were hugely popular.  Biscuit was sticking his head in the bag before I even took them out.  

I needed some bath soap so I found some clearance fancy soap for $1.74 a bar, I got 4 bars.  That will last me a long while.  I do love a good bar of soap.  

I went back by my work area to tell my friend about the soap and my boss "caught" me, was lecturing me about work even though my friend kept reminding her I was off the clock!  That's a big no no.  I chose to be amused (once I got out of there) but really?  

There is a rule we are not to be disturbed when we're off the clock and shopping.  

I got out of there and went home, talked to Mom and Dad.  I had gotten some frozen fried rice and had that for dinner, it wasn't bad but I do have a headache.   

The cats loved their toy mouse and brought it to me a few times last night.  This morning Spotty got up in my lap during my God time and laid in my arms like a baby, purring.  He is so cute!  I am glad he has Cleo to keep him company.  

It is very gloomy today and, based on the way the heater's running, cold as well.  If I have to work not a bad day for it.  

I was going to maybe skip using the neti pot today but decided I had better after my time with Spotty.  

That's it for now.  

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