Sunday, January 14, 2024


 I had a pretty good day so far.  I got the beef stock cooked and put up in the fridge.  I got all the laundry done.  

I found a bucket of paint by the cat door and decided that was way too close to possible drafts and got that rascal put up in the computer room.  It's a nearly full bucket of teal paint I did for Ron's old room.  The painter said I needed 2 gallons but only used a little more than one - it's good paint (Behr Marquee) with really great coverage the painter loved working with it.  

Like Dad said repeatedly, the big expense with painting is the labor so you might as well buy the good paint, which I did.  So now I'm good for another 15 years or so.  But I do bring the paint in every time we get a colder spell.  

I also propped open all the doors to the laundry room, under sinks, etc.  My one question is the plumber's access panel in Ron's room.  I would like to have it open and let some warm air circulate but I worry about the cats getting in there.  I need to weigh that.  

I also need to figure out dinner so I can take my meds.  

Ooh I have biscuits.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Hey Heather, kayak here. To leave the plumbing panel open and keep the cats out, find chicken wire, grating, or hard wire screen to cover the hole and put a couple of bricks in front to hold in place. I didn't know it got that cold down there! With the windchill here in SD, we got down in the minus 40s!

Heather Knits said...

I think our worst it got down to feels like 4 - it was 13 with a windchill. Coldest I was out in it was feels like 13.

I grew up in Virginia and cold weather apparel is all about layers, layers, I think. So I did OK. I am not ashamed to admit I have a whole box of wool socks.