Thursday, January 11, 2024

Curse you, corn dog!

 I was thinking about a corn dog all morning at work and got one for my lunch, from the deli.  It was fine not quite as crunchy as I like but certainly acceptable.  Work other than that was pretty uneventful they had me working on some other projects so I did that.  

I came home on the bus.  As I was riding the driver wanted to chat (sometimes he does, sometimes not, I leave it up to him).  He was asking me questions.  So we chatted a little and some guy on the back of the bus started screaming SHUT UP and a bunch of other nonsense so we both kind of looked at eat other and didn't say a word.  

The guy got off at a busy intersection and we started talking again, until we got to my stop and I got off.  I will not be seeing him again in a few weeks as he is on a different "bid".  

My next bus came along right quick so that was very nice and I got home a little earlier.  I made a sandwich and talked to Mom while I ate it, Dad was at the board meeting for one of his volunteer projects.  After I hung up I went to bed and slept pretty well, until I woke up at 3 AM with a migraine.  I took some Excedrin and went back to bed but I could not beat it.  

So I decided I will call Ace and see if I can get a ride to work, otherwise I will have to call Jack or Uber.  I

I am pretty much ready for the cold weather, I got a rechargeable hand warmer, charged my little lantern and tablet, etc.  My alarm clock runs on batteries and I just replaced them.  I did order some no-rinse body bath as I plan to cut off the water during the worst of it, that way I can still get a nice sponge bath.  I used that stuff on Ron extensively and it was great.  If it could get him fresh, get the BO and stench of alcohol he would sweat out, it can get anyone fresh.  

I still need to pay some bills, cover my plants out front, wrap my pipes, and then the night it freezes cut off the water.  Everyone says "Oh you just need to drip the faucet" but everyone who did that 3 years ago had frozen pipes.  I did not because I cut off the water.  I always take the careful route on things like that.  

We don't know if the store will have power, I guess we will find out.  I don't know if the buses will run that could be real fun if they stop. I probably need to take more cash out of the ATM.  

Mood is good but this headache is no joke.  I can work with it but no way I could ride a bouncing, noisy, city bus for 2 hours.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Why would buses stop running just because it's cold?

Heather Knits said...

A couple of reasons: if it is "too cold" for people to wait on the bus, ice on the roads, etc. We have many elevated roads and interchanges that will ice over. I don't believe my routes go "up" but they may just kill all of it.

You have to remember, in Houston 99% of people consider a thin hoodie to be "adequate winter wear" so temps in the 20's with a 20 mph wind chill are going to be a very rude shock. And the store does not have the kind of coats you would need; I looked when my Lands End coat went bad.

Also people who ride the bus do not have the kind of money to buy decent winter wear. So we will see.