Tuesday, January 9, 2024

So about my job

 Boss seems favorable.  Her only big criticism she wants me to take lunch at 12 instead of 1 "from now on" which I took as a positive.

I am debating how much, if anything, to tell my drivers about what happened this morning.  


Anonymous said...

Why are you always so worried about your job and being fired? You always say you're a worker bee and do your job, so what's the problem? There must be something if you considered telling them about your disability. Are you slow-moving taking too long to finish something? Disorganized and messy like you are at home? Have a hard time following directions? What the heck is it?

Heather Knits said...

My boss is one of those women who is never, ever, happy. Give her the moon she wants Mars and Saturn too. She exists in a state of stern disapproval.

When my meds aren't right, or my mood, it is very hard not to take it personally and worry she is about to fire me.