Thursday, January 25, 2024

Not for the squeamish, this hits all the ick buttons

 My cycle is erratic so I like to wear a cup or cloth pad every day.  The cloth pad also has the benefit of catching light bladder leaks due to coughing, when I was sick this winter.  So today I had a light cloth pad.  

I went to the bathroom every couple of hours no problem.  Then I went and my pad was gone.  What?  Oh God please tell me it did not fall out of my pants leg as I was walking around the store.  I finished and stood up, the pad was in the toilet.  

This is a pad I had an issue losing it before, it fell on the floor in my bathroom.  I think it just has a bad snap.  I have never had an issue with any of my other pads.  

Our toilet is on auto flush so I had about 10 seconds to decide: but I knew if it flushed the pad would clog the toilet and one of our very nice maintenance people would have to deal with the mess.  

I had urinated.  So I reached into the toilet and grabbed the pad right as it flushed.  The pad had a surprising amount of water which is one reason I am fond of these things.  Also it is a softer, squishier, experience for my privates than a disposable pad.  I threw it in the little tampon trash can which happily has a lid.  So no one could see my poor bedraggled, brightly colored, pad.  

Then I washed my hands VERY well at the sink!  

That's it for now.  

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