Friday, January 12, 2024

Take your blood pressure pill before you read this

 I had a very nice morning.  Spotty and I have a routine where he gets in my lap, purring and slobbering, for half an hour or so every morning during my God Time.

There is NOTHING better in my life than a cat during my Bible study.

Afterwards I did up some candy.  I have a little chocolate.  I left for work, it was very windy but not horribly cold, and sunny which I liked even with the headache.

I had a driver I had never had before, white guy, thinning hair, scruffy goatee.  I found him attractive and we flirted a little before I got off.  That was fun but I am NOT looking to see him again.  

I got to the transit center and there was a very sad but clean looking man sitting on the bench.  "Excuse me, " he said very politely "Do you please have an extra bag of the candy?". Of course I said yes and a couple of others asked for it too, but very notable they were all extremely polite.  I had no problem sharing with THEM.  

The last bus to work was the crazy train as usual.  There was some guy my age I think was a pervert sat next to a little 3 year old and her mother.  Kept asking the little girl questions I found creepy but everyone else seemed to think was "cute".  But maybe my meter is broken I don't know.  

I got to work and got my snack, also some soda and got some ride money out of the ATM just in case.  Apparently it may rain Monday which would be catastrophic.  I kept thinking there is something else and remembered the cat jacket.  So I got in a very long line to return it.  That's done and everyone is cracking up at my story of Spotty running away and ditching the jacket in the yard.  

My friend was working I was very happy to see her.  Now I'm just waiting to start.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand the title. Are you mocking people who are just trying to help you stay safe?

Heather Knits said...

No. I don't want the one reader to have a health problem. She (?) Gets very upset over this issue.

And if I haven't been clear if it is my safety or my faith faith will always come first. And my faith does tell me to share the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I'm the reader you reference. No need to pretend to concern yourself with my health through snarky comments. My health is fine. I am glad you clarified that your faith comes first over your safety. I will stop wasting my time making safety tips and suggestions. Happy you are at peace with your choices.

Heather Knits said...

If I had any other flavor of faith some would be applauding me for being willing to die for it.

Dying for Jesus would not be as hard as living for Him, I think.

Anonymous said...

"If I had any other flavor of faith some would be applauding me for being willing to die for it." Only the nut jobs and religious zealots would be applauding you not normal people.

Heather Knits said...

What about FGM? Done in the name of "faith" I have never heard any serious outcry about that. But a Christian states they are pro-life and everyone goes nuts. That really upsets me. Little girls - some in America, are led to believe they are getting a special makeover and shopping trip only to wake up butchered. This happens daily all over the world.

NO outcry. If I bring it up in conversation I am ostracized. I have had men from other countries tell me I am "dirty" because I haven't had this done I had a whole post on it.


But I can't say that because I have given my life to Jesus, I am OK with Him taking me when He's ready.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Obviously living in your bubble you haven't watched any of the docs or shows about it. If there wasn't so much discussion about it we wouldn't even be aware of it. Groups of people working hard to ban it.

You have so much to say about other's beliefs but if anyone here says anything negative about yours you won't even post them.

Heather Knits said...

There is some work to ban it but I think, because it is so closely associated with certain religions, many are afraid to condemn it, seeing it as a "religious" practice and not outright child abuse.

This is a Christian blog. You are right I don't post some comments about God as it is just hate directed at Him. It's just vomiting hatred on a page and I'm not approving that. Remember I have to "approve" a post for it to publish, and I have been pretty clear in my little remarks section that certain things will not be approved. I'm not standing before God one day saying I approved 60 comments saying he was [unprintable]. Nope.

You as always have a choice what you are going to do with "my" bookmark.

Anonymous said...

"There is some work to ban it but I think, because it is so closely associated with certain religions, many are afraid to condemn it, seeing it as a "religious" practice and not outright child abuse. " NOT TRUE at ALL. People are against it and they view it as abuse and a sick and evil practice. Only the crazies that are still doing it believe it is right and use religion to justify it. Religious freedom does not give anyone the right to mutilate another, especially not a child.

Hell people are even protesting bull fights in Spain as vicious and barbaric but they are still going on because they believe somehow that it is cultural not the evil that it truly is.

Same with genital mutilation which is evil and based on a twisted patriarchal custom that many, many people are trying to stop.

Same as the dog and cat festivals in China where they torture the animals because they believe it brings sexual potency when the meat of these poor animals is consumed. These sick things are still happening but good people are fighting against that too.

Maybe the bigger question is with so many people fighting to stop evil why doesn't god give them a helping hand in the fight? It is almost like evil is rewarded in this sick place we call earth and it is rare for good to prevail - unless you need help with a close parking space at Walmart.

Heather Knits said...

Well I have a theory that probably both secular and religious would condemn. But here it is.

Now growing up I was allowed to watch very little TV. One show I was allowed to watch was Star Trek, the original and Next Generation. One theme I saw a lot there was the prime directive, "We cannot help unless asked" and that is my thought on God.

Also, to quote the Gospel Metal band Theocracy (I really suggest you listen to a lyric version of "As the world bleeds") "This is what things look like when we tell you WE CAN DO IT ON OUR OWN." We told God to screw off some thousands of years ago. He is coming back but He wants as many saved as possible because the unreached ARE going to hell.

One reason I am, to quote a gospel rap song, a "Fanatic". I don't want to see someone in hell if all I had to do was reach out.