Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday morning

 I slept OK but upset when I got up.  Like anyone, I don't like people threatening my job. I have thought about explaining Fetal Alcohol Syndrome to my boss because I may really appear to be "stupid" (not her words but her thought) in comparison to some others.  But then I had the thought if she thinks I am "defective" she may just fire me rather than adapt.  I could see that, easily, so I will not.  She has never once directly asked me why I ride the bus to work and it has never come up with her; it has with other managers and associates. Maybe no one has told her?  I don't know. I am not in a hurry for her to find out after yesterday. At any rate yesterday she told me she is off today so I won't have to deal with that.  

I will just go in and do my job the way I always do. Do a good job.  That's all I can do.  I don't deal with the backstabber/snitch much our shifts only overlap by an hour. And Thursday/Friday is her weekend.  Saturday/Sunday is mine.  I can do this. 

I will DEFINITELY be digging into the Bible study today I want to be "fed" before I go back. And on that note I need to take my shower.  

Later: hopefully this will be my worst problem today.  Biscuit was in my computer chair so I was sitting in another chair.  Spotty came by and meowed at me, I patted my lap. He got up and positioned himself so I was cradling him with his head on my (clothed) breast. He began purring,meowing,and kneading.  So cute. I told Spotty he was the "Best cat" and realized Biscuit was right there and I usually call Biscuit that.  Oops.  Biscuit just looked at me.  I think Spotty is getting his butt kicked after I go to work.  

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

Texas has vocational rehabilitation services that could help you. I looked at their website, and they use telephone and video conferencing. They work with people who are employed to retain employment.

You certainly qualify with both mental health and fetal alcohol syndrome. They have a self referral link on their website. It couldn't hurt to talk to someone over there. They may even be able to help you with some transportation reimbursement. They can also advise you on whether to disclose any diagnoses at work.

Sorry this is so stressful.

Heather Knits said...

The really ironic thing the Blind Vendors program is off of DARS (Department of Assist. Rehab. Services). So basically right back to where I started from. [thoughtful]

I wouldn't say no to a free bus pass, though.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by [thoughtful]?

Heather Knits said...

Oh it just gets me thinking.

The blind vendors did not know of my problems. Things are supposed to be confidential but I wonder about that. Especially as my work history would show I had been with the blind vendors for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have terrible managers. I've worked in office jobs for 30+ years as a regular employee and as a manager, and I've learned yelling at employees is ALWAYS due to the manager's own incompetence. Upper management may be incompetent as well, they shouldn't allow that kind of behavior from anyone. Sorry you have to deal with that. I know you don't like job hunting, but I would second the recommendation to look into vocational rehabilitiaton - you have MANY skills and could find a better job closer to home.