Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday at work

 Busy at work but not too bad.  I developed some chest discomfort and tightness drinking the decaf tea I brought so I don't think I will do that again.  Got some Diet Dew and feel better.

Saw the Dr Pepper vendor I kid around with him.  He is very fit, cute, and could theoretically be my grandson.  

Two co workers are complaining of sore throats so I took extra Vitamin C I carry for occasions like this.  I want to enjoy my days off and feel a contagious illness would have to stop me from a Handout.  But Gods will not mine.


Anonymous said...

That doesn't sound right for decaf.
I take zinc daily. After all the covid crap, I've learned a lot and zinc helps prevent virus replication and it shortens colds if you do get one.

Heather Knits said...

I think a lot of stuff labeled "decaf" is not. My Dad has A-FIB and has to be very careful what he consumes or he will be up all night with palpitations.