Sunday, June 25, 2023

I take evangelism very seriously these days

 Things you do know: as a child I was severely neglected by my bipolar, alcoholic, mother to the point child services got involved.  What you don't know after that my parents split and my Dad placed me in daycare.  It was a good place for me. 

It was run by a kindly yet firm 20 something black lady who was the first stable female figure in my life.  So I consider it an honor to serve the black community and in particular black women; a little loving payback.  I was with her for 3 years until my Dad remarried and I started school.   She was good for me.  I am sorry I don't remember her name.  

I didn't feel well I am just kind of dizzy today.  Run down feeling and overall not well. I am presuming some of it is the heat and some of it residual food poisoning. My appetite is coming back though and I was thinking how nice it would be to have some ham and proscuitto sandwiches in my lunch.  So I went to Kroger.  

I had to wait half an hour in the heat at the bus stop but I had the Free Bibles sign on my cart.  And a carload of women pulled up about 25 minutes in and all wanted Bibles. I had some of the "nice" ones with me, exactly 3.  I had done them up with a tract and a "praying for you daily" index card. I was happy to hand them out.  

I got to the Kroger and got my fancy ham, and some regular ham, also some "priced to sell" Chappel Hill sausage. My father in law loved their sausage. I went out to the bus stop with the "Satan is Better" graffiti and waited on my next bus. The driver was a very large man and not at all interested in candy. 

I got off and crossed at a safe spot.  I waited at my next bus stop so I could catch the bus to go home. I had the cart turned to face the street with the sign visible.  I got on the bus and gave the driver her candy.  She sat and looked at it for a minute and read the title on the Scripture booklet. She just sat there.  

Then she very quietly asked for a Bible.  I was delighted to dig around in my bag and give her not only a NLT Abundant Life New Testament (I need more!) and a Bible Promise book (I felt led).  She thanked me and drove me to my stop.  

I struggle with the cart it can be a hassle.  The milk crate fell off when I was crossing the very busy street. I had to stop in the middle of the street and reposition it.  That's probably my least favorite thing, traffic. I have fear issues. So not fun. 

I didn't feel well and the heat didn't help that. But 4 women got Bibles today so I am happy, honored, and humbled they chose to ask me for a Bible. 

Now I pray for them. 


Anonymous said...

You are going to be in the 100's all week.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah I shudder to think of my electric bill.

Monday to Wednesday I have rides TO work but FROM will suck as I get off at 4 PM every day. Thursday and Friday are really special I have to travel around noon.

Pray for me! And my poor drivers!

Anonymous said...

I think the New Testament is the best Bible to hand out. If you hand out a complete Bible, people get angry withthe God of the Old Testament and most likely don't read on to find out what Jesus did for us and how God sacrificed his only Son.

Heather Knits said...

Also smaller and easier to carry more. I can carry twice as many. I also have a bookmark "Where to look in the New Testament" with topics and reference points to look it up.

If asked I ask for New Testaments, if gifted whole Bibles I hand them out and with everyone I pray for God to guide them.

Heather Knits said...

I did ask for some VERY nice whole Bibles on clearance and the recipients love them so I am always happy to hand out pretty much anything I get.

My sister did send me some cult Bibles at one point that were 90% "commentary" and 10% Scripture so I did not use those.