Friday, June 23, 2023

So, yesterday

 Wednesday night we had severe weather.  Every week or so the last couple weeks we have had a severe thunderstorm.  Wed did not seem that bad where I live but Bush Airport had gusts of 98 mph.  My personal neighborhood was basically unaffected, walking to work was fine, the crosswalk where I go across the busy street was fine, but once I got on that second bus it was loco - telephone poles down, fences down, huge tree branches and whole trees down.  The bus was delayed and had to take a detour.  

We get to the transit center (Mom and Dad were quite horrified to hear the drivers use porta-potties that are locked up in metal cages), with the usual puddles of urine everywhere, watch your step, branches too. My last bus was very late and seemed totally frazzled when she did pull up.  

I could see why the Holy Spirit had prompted me to bring a more generous offering than I usually do. I said "It must be bad today" my way of saying "You're really late" and she gasped out that yes it was terrible get on. 

So I did.  It took a very long time to get to work due to fences down, trees down, every major traffic light out. And there are a lot of traffic lights.  Interestingly enough the one I use by work was OK yesterday. But I got to work an hour late.  

BUT I always plan for worst case so I was still on time. Work itself was not bad.  

Now I feel I have to be careful about pride especially doing evangelism.  People are always telling me how great I am, how brave, etc.  I'm not I am just a saved sinner who goes where God wants me.  But I can get arrogant.  So I ask God to keep me usable.  

Last night I helped a customer who was really nice and said he was going to call 1-800-WALMART and tell them how great I was.  It would be nice if the compliment gets back to me but we will see.  I didn't tell anyone about this.  

Not long after, 2 of my bosses did a training for me that was basically "Hey stupid you're doing it all wrong, you do it THIS WAY, OK?"  It was very humiliating but I reminded myself it was working on my pride. And I had some difficult customers as well. I tripped over my own feet a couple times going to the bus stop, minor stuff like that which does keep me humble.  

Hopefully I won't have to fall again, that was NO fun.  

There is some hope my 2 bosses will not be there today but we will see. I do my job well either way. But a break would be nice. 

My cab driver friend got me he was very nice about it. I tried to buy him a cold Dr Pepper can from the vending machine but the wrong soda came out.  It reminded me of days with Ron. He drank it anyway (it was root beer). He is getting me again tonight and then I will talk to him about next week. 

Jack has been MIA with his family problem (niece in fatal car wreck and great-niece badly injured). I am sure he'll come back sooner or later. I like using him in the morning because the cab driver has to come at least a dozen miles to get me. 

By the way, the cab driver, I am going to call him Ace, saw me on the last Bible Handout.  I waved at him and he waved back.  He was laughing talking about it last night.  I don't care if I make an ass out of myself if I am reaching out for Jesus.  

I will do another post before I leave.  

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