Monday, June 12, 2023

Yesterday and this morning

Yesterday it was interesting on the bus.  The one bus driver has a belly, not a huge one, but I noticed it.  He also has hair and I guess I am weird because I like a bald or shaved guy.  

That was the nice thing about Beau.  He had the male pattern baldness so he had it shaved about a third of an inch long.  You could see his hairline but also see his scalp and I liked it.  I thought it was a very good look.  

So, there was that.  I am not doing anything other than handing out my usual stuff.  I figure my primary job right now is to "represent" as the Gospel Rappers say.  I will let the rest sort itself out.  

Work was pretty uneventful, but, passing the men's department, I saw they had the performance tshirts (cooler and wick sweat very fast, that is all I wear to work in the summer as I bought about a dozen years ago) in a safety orange.  And it got me thinking why wear a performance t and then the safety vest over it when I could just wear the performance t in the orange?  I had seriously thought about buying one years ago for the same reason.  It is going to be hellishly hot during my next Handout whenever that is so it seems smart.  So I bought it.  

That cut my time (I only had a 15 minute break) so I had to rush eating my sandwich but I made it. 

The way home was pretty nuts. We had a mentally ill homeless guy running up and down the aisle screaming gibberish at passengers and the driver. The driver just kept going, eventually the guy pulled the bell in the middle of nowhere and got off. I told the driver "Quick, before he comes back!" and he peeled it out of there.  

Then we had the Deaf lady with the toddler and infant.  I usually see her in the morning going to work.  Today I happened to get her on the way back.  She was very stressed and the toddler was acting up (is ALWAYS acting up), with ear splitting screams for attention.  It was a lot especially after the other guy.  

I got off and caught my second bus, remembering I had a frozen bottle of water in my lunch bag.  I pulled it out, half thawed, and gave it to the driver who almost cried for joy. I am doing that again. I went to the grocery store as they have a wet wipe I like.  I also found some nitro cold brew coffee on sale for 50 cents a can.  I got a snack for the last driver as I like to do that, I can't carry a bag of chips around all day but I can get it to the bus stop (those "Snack sized" 50 cent ones).  

And I thought it was hysterical, I got the same driver who got a snack last time he was so excited to see me again!  "Oh I loved that meal!  Do you have something for me today?"  That made up for the horrible ride from work.  He was a little older than me and very sweet with an exotic accent.  

And then I had to lug it all home because I didn't have a cart. I did that. When I got home the yard was mowed so I looked and the tree is gone!  I was/am thrilled.  God took care of it without me doing a thing.  I did pray about it and ask Him to guide me. 

I went to bed pretty early,slept well. I got a nice cuddle with the cats when I woke up and after I fed them. 

I did my Bible study and going to take my shower. I need to do some housework today and I want to write up the "praying for you daily" cards I want to stick in the Bibles from now on. 

That's it for now!  

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