Friday, June 2, 2023

Friday morning

For some reason I have noticed the helium balloons at work lately.  It reminds me of my wedding.  For the reception we had a party room at a BBQ restaurant.  The ladies in the family decorated it with ribbons, bows, helium balloons. After the wedding we went to the restaurant, ordered at the counter, went in the room and sat down. They brought the food, we ate, cut the cake, had a good time. I did not let Dad buy Ron a beer. 

But a little boy about 2 kept running in the room and grabbing the string on the balloons,he was enthralled.  His mother was very embarrassed. When we were wrapping it up they were still there so I told my niece, who was gathering the balloons,to take them to their table for the little boy. 

I was done with the balloons and I wanted to pass them on to someone who would enjoy them. So they did that and they were thrilled. I'm glad I did that. The little boy is drinking age now. 

So getting to work was rough but I did it. I plan to catch an earlier bus today. I like to get to work at least an hour early and I was only a half hour early, to me, late.  Then the deli was out of all hot food save the corn dogs so I had to eat one of them. 

Work itself was busy but OK. I was pretty tired when I finished. 

Jack got me but didn't say much on the ride home.  I talked to my parents and went to bed.  

My friend in ladies' apparel found this for me and talked me into it: 


These will be great to wear around the house, I wouldn't wear them out in public (too short and poor depth on pockets).  But that should be fun.  I have a pair each of black knit shorts and gray camo shorts I wear around the house it will be nice to have some color. They were $5. 

I am going to use a color catcher when I wash them and also wash them with my darks.  They are a very loud hot pink. 

I'm going to take my shower and do my Bible study. I felt really good about digging into the Word yesterday and want to do that again. 

 The Bible study portion only took me about half an hour.  I was reading "a lot" of devotionals but that is someone's thoughts about the Bible, often just one verse.  That is fine as a supplement but it should be the seasoning and not the meal, in my opinion. Kind of like making a meal out of ketchup.  I want to read chapters of the Bible every day.  And I'm doing that now so I'm happy.  

Every six months or so the bus company changes everyone on the routes.  They can "bid" on different routes (seniority), so all my drivers change.  Today will likely be the only day I see these drivers, it is not my customary "run" but I need to leave earlier due to traffic.  Some road is always getting dug up in Houston, they're always making a mess and ruining traffic, and it takes years.  So today is likely the only time I will ever meet these people and present the gospel so I have an additional burden to do it right today. God does all the work in the heart but I feel like I need to have a good witness today, a good presentation of the right materials.  Of course that is all worthless without God behind it and at the end of it my role is very small.  

For the Christian readers sometimes people say it's going to be amazing for me in Heaven to see who I reached. If I reached anyone God did the work I just handed them something. That is all I do, literally, Handouts. God does the work.  I go, that is it.  I go to the "bad" area, I ride the bus (I have to, anyway 😂), I pick out things to distribute.  If I had a hand in anyone getting to Heaven that is great but I didn't do it, God did.  I just go.  

I don't see a lot of people like me so I guess not many are going which is sad.  But I do my best by my recipients.  If I do get to meet them in Heaven I want a hug and that is about it.  Maybe hang out and feast.  

I have always had a dead terror of alcohol based on things I have seen in my life.  People with Fetal Alcohol have an 80% chance of becoming addicted. I take that very seriously.  I do abuse caffeine but that is more "acceptable", and my love of Diet Dew is a running joke at work. Anyway, I could see me feasting in Heaven with my loved ones/recipients and drinking wine as a part of that. But only then.  

That will be fun. If anyone made it I would like to meet them.  

So far it looks like my NLT New Testaments will arrive after the Handout but I'm not stressing, if God wants them here they'll come. I am glad I chose the gift wrap option for my Dad's Bible because they both remarked how nice it looks.  They are "saving" it until Father's Day.  

I am irregular when it comes to gifts. I like to send a box of goodies now and then just because.  I am bad about holidays and birthdays.  But, like my aunt, she loves the desert and has desert paintings of various cacti all over her house.  So I saw a cactus nightgown and some socks at work, thinking about getting her that "because cactus". But her birthday?  I sent her a text. They understand.  

I need to get ready to go.  That's it for now. 

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