Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Aleve + Epsom salts

 I'm not sure if it's the Aleve or the Epsom salts but my hand is significantly better.  Pain is down 95%. Stiffness down 50%.  I slept great even after my brace fell off last night. I am very pleased.  I thought this would be weeks of pain and discomfort but apparently not. VERY encouraging. 

I did sleep OK for a change. Maybe the Epsom salts had something to do with that, too. I still plan to wear the brace and baby my hand today because I don't want to overdo it.  But I am impressed. 

I did of course ask for prayer too and I have no doubt that helped as well. But you can bet I am always going to keep Aleve and Epsom salts around.  I never really used the salts before on an injury.  

Bible verse: "Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise."  Jeremiah 17:14

That was yesterday, work was OK. I had a bandage on my knee scrape because Monday my jeans kept rubbing against it and it was unpleasant.  I also had a waterproof bandage on my palm scrape and wore a glove whenever I went to the bathroom.  That worked OK.  

"Tough" boss on vacation this week so that's a break.  

I just deleted 2 paragraphs of spiteful gossip no one needs to read. Suffice to say work related about a co worker who was fired. 

I was trying to pay my insurance online but it says the site is down for maintenance.  I will try it later today, if that fails I will call tomorrow. I hate calling those things but I need insurance.  

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. The weather blew up a thunderstorm and my last bus was late, which meant I got caught in the rain. It was pretty bad, rain blowing sideways water running everywhere on the ground, shoes, me, everything got soaked.  Even with my rain coat. Phone and stun gun stayed dry though.  

My hand feels a lot better, finger is stiff but the bruising is going down.  My scrape burns pretty bad on the hand if I soak it in epsom salts so I may just make a compress with a washcloth and put that on my finger tonight. Oh, and I also found a huge bruise on my butt so I apparently landed there,too. 

I'm going to take my shower. 

Getting ready to go now; that's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

For Pete's Sake please stop with the MEN. Just because he talks to you doesn't mean he wants to marry you. Not more of this nonsense again.

Heather Knits said...

Wait till you read today's post you will really freak!

Anonymous said...

Just like wild fires, love starts with a spark. You don't need to walk around with a bag over your head to keep from making contact, friends with people.