Saturday, June 24, 2023

My day out

 So queasy.  I laid down for a while after I did my Bible study, got up, went to the Asian grocery store.  It is in a pretty rough area next to a Section 8 apartment complex so they always hire a uniformed policeman as a bouncer.  He told me (laughing while he said it and looking at my hat) I couldn't shop with my cart.  I cheerfully acquiesced.  After all, it would be a really terrible witness if I didn't.  I felt kind of goofy wearing the Free Bibles hat without any Bibles at hand but I respect the business.  By the way they had a whole aisle of incense and shrine stuff for idols, I guess, I didn't look closely.  

I have a very pleasant coworker, very thin and healthy, does not ever want candy or sugar treats.  I have been teasing her saying I would bring her some roasted seaweed snacks and we have laughed about it.  Today I did it.  I also got her some green tea mochi it looks revolting, though. I got some instant ginger crystals and some ginger chews which will hopefully help my stomach.  

I went to my local grocer and it was very busy as I expected.  I bought some bland snacks and more candy to hand out, went home.  

I am going to take a nap. I handed out 3 bags of candy with a tract. 

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