Saturday, June 10, 2023

No more headache!

 I have apparently detoxed from the diet soda.  I slept OK even though I had a lot of caffeine from the iced coffee.  

I just have to get through today and then I have a day off, work a short day, have another day off.  WHY they couldn't just give me Sunday and Monday I don't know...

Last night some young girl came in all agitated about My Application I Need to See a Manager.  I explained the mangers are not meeting with applicants to "check on the status" etc. she will have to wait for the phone call. I also told her what I tell others make sure the store phone number is in the phone so you can get the call when it comes.  

That wasn't good enough for her, she was flouncing around and bitching basically saying THAT rule is for OTHER people I DEMAND you get me a manager now.  I DON'T LIKE MY JOB and I need another one. I explained, again, they don't see ANYONE.  

I told her I was sure she felt like she was a special case but the managers saw her the same as everyone else who applied, and the answer was no.  She didn't like that one bit.  She finally left. 

I did her a favor because if a manager had met with her they would have put a note in her file DO NOT HIRE.  She probably failed her assessments every word out of her mouth was me, me, I. 

That is what happens when you spend someone's whole childhood telling them they are "special". You end up with entitled little monsters who think their "feelings" trump everything else.  From what I see they are useless in the job market. 

I am all ready to go to work today.  I am bringing my smaller cart with a box on it so I can bring the candy and groceries home. I hope it works; it will save me hours tomorrow. 

I am getting burned out and the house is a mess,I need a day to just do a little light work around the house and rest. The hand will inhibit a lot of housework though. 

That's it for now! 

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