Monday, June 19, 2023

I'll do it for Jesus

 I am tired and resentful I have to work a 6th day in a row but I remind myself I get 3 days off this week.  I would have just rather had Monday/Tuesday but that's done now.  

I had my protein shake with a side of Walnuts that always gets me going.  I only work 4 hours today so that won't be too bad. 

I do have to take the bus each way but am choosing to view that as new mission fields as I don't ever take these buses.  Same route, different time.  So new to me people hopefully open to the material I will give them.  

But first I have to get dressed. Did that I am wearing my broomstick skirt; it is too hot to wait at the bus stop for an hour total, in the blazing sun, in over 100F, today.  I'm not wearing jeans for that.  

And the answer is I would not do "this" for Walmart; but I'll do it for Jesus.  I will go to work in the blazing sun and miserable heat index, ride the bus for 2 hours, work four hours only with a very difficult co worker, and ride home in even hotter weather.  I'll do it for Jesus because someone may get "candy" (with Scripture material) and have a fresh insight into God's love and that would be totally worth it.  

Same with the Bible Handouts; I hate the logistics, lugging the heavy cart on and off the bus, etc. but it is worth it to see the eagerness people have for God and His Word. 

That is what drove me caregiving for Ron at the end.  I wouldn't change a soiled diaper for Ron God knows he didn't earn that devotion, but I would do it for God because He was asking me to do it.  

That's it for now.  

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