Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tuesday, a month to the day

 Pretty depressed earlier.  I called Jack and he was running errands, including getting his shot.  So he picked me up a couple hours later and we went to the Post Office and then Walmart.  

I got a nice assortment of fruits and vegetables I will actually eat, with good codes (that's the only bad thing about delivery).  I also got a nice collection of protein bars.  Trying to take good care of my body.  

I looked at the clothes section and didn't see anything that appealed.  I had already shopped that with my aunt.  I forgot to get some candles but still had a nice jar candle in vanilla.  I did buy one of those little Febreeze small space air fresheners and some Febreeze spray in lavender for my "new" clothes.  

I had my favorite cashier and left.  Went home, put it all away.  I had a bag of prepared greens all I do are nuke them but it's a huge bag.  I had to make room for that, and did.  

I tried to take a nap, that didn't work.  Oh well.  I got up and decided to apply for the Walmart job.  I did that.  It took a while but they are just trying to make sure they get a quality person.  It is a lot easier to screen the applicants than it is to get rid of a bad hire; I know that much.  Hopefully they will be interested.  

I have done my end of things.  So I applied at Walmart, the bus company, and Indeed.  All had a "process" and I did that.  I have my references all ready to go.  I carry a notebook when I leave the house in case an employer calls and wants to set up an interview.  So I am doing what I can.  Tomorrow I will apply at the Walgreens.  I also need to apply at Krogers too.  I have asked God to close all doors but the right one so I will know when I get the call.   

Alright, I applied at Kroger (nothing available nearby) and Walgreens (same).  I am going to take a break.  Both websites were very cumbersome the Walmart was much easier.  

Tried Monster.com boy they sucked.  Very poor interface vs. Metro bus and Indeed.   Looked up Kroger, not hiring in my area.  Same with Walgreens.  DID apply at Home Depot.  They have 2 jobs I could do either.  I sure had to hunt those rascals up... scroll and click through dozens of job listings. They are apparently hiring for 2 locations that seem to be opening up.  So I feel like I got a lot done.  

I am getting used to doing online assessments.  I understand why they do it, though.  It is hard to get rid of an unqualified person and drives up your unemployment taxes if they file.  

Side note: Ron never had to pay unemployment on me as we were married, you don't pay.  But it also means I don't get unemployment now that he's gone (God is providing).  

Mike called to invite me to dinner with his family on Thursday that was sweet.  I accepted because I need to get out of the house.  They are giving me a ride.  

That's it for now.  

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