Saturday, April 17, 2021

A busy Friday already

 I got up around 7 and got dressed, checked my email.  I had one from a grocery store manager to call him for an interview.  I figured I had better be at the top of my game so I did my God Time first.  

I called him; he was very interested in me but wanted me for the deli.  I will take that; I can't be picky and I do have experience.  He was very nice and professional.  He didn't seem phased I ride the bus and said he would work with the availability.  The job description sounds like I will be busy but not overwhelmed which is good as I want to stay busy.  Sitting around the house is bad for me.  

He asked me for a food service resume which I did up and emailed to him.  We will see if he likes it.  I was completely honest.  

It is funny I believe the employees wear hats on duty.  I have been a little concerned about some thinning hair around my part, to the extent I got some generic Rogaine for women.  I got the foam but next time I will get the spray.  I apply it every day.  I figure at the least it will keep me from losing any more hair.  And my hair has been like this since at least 2009 it just never bothered me until Ron died.  But that won't be a problem if I'm wearing a hat!  

Hair loss can be really common with a big loss like I've had and I am vain enough to want to keep what I have.  So I will keep doing this.  

My day so far: 

Nearby grocery store manager sends me an email to call him for an interview.  I did God time first and did that.  

He asks me to send him a food service resume which I did.  I had to make it on the fly but I got that.  

I am contacted to submit for a background check.  I do that.  

Department manager contacts me and does phone interview.  Wants me to come in tomorrow at 8 to be shown around and check me out in person (understandable we had some real "treats" show up for interviews when we had the deli).  

So I figured out when I need to leave the house and have that locked in my brain.  But it seems promising.  We will see; if nothing else it gets me out of the house.  I don't have a bus pass that works so I will have to pay cash.  

But, as my aunt and uncle can attest, I tend to accumulate a lot of change.  I have one dollar bills and quarters (standard fare is $1.25) so I have enough to get there and back.  The department manager seemed pleased I could do it tomorrow.  I'm not kidding when I say I have NO home life.  The cats can work with my schedule whatever that is.  I'm not dating for at least 5 years; I don't want to go through this loss for a very long time if ever.  

Bad enough I have to look forward to losing Dad, adoptive Mom, aunt and uncle.  And the cats, most of them are over 7 years old which is pretty old for a cat.  So I will lose them, too.  

I will tell you more about the job if I get it, for now I don't want to get my hopes up.  I only want the right job for me but it looks like things are proceeding.  At the very worst I am getting some practice interviewing.  

I am going to take a break and do some prayer time.  

For others, myself only a little as I know He's got my back.  

 I am wrung out today.  Going to bed early.   

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