Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I'm not good at leisure time

 Slept better last night, not great but getting there.  If anyone is praying for my sleep it is appreciated.  

Got up and did my God time, prayed for YOU and everyone else, myself, God's will in my life, etc.  

I had my phone interview, I think it went very well.  She went over things I saw on the website and wanted to make sure I was OK with working different shifts, nights, weekends.  I said that was fine.  

Between us home is not the same place it was when Ron was alive.  It is a safe place for me and the cats but the love in it is gone.  I play music all the time (low levels) because I can't stand the emptiness.  So a busy job sounds good.  

She said she was referring me to another manager for another interview.  SHE DID NOT SAY NO at any point so I am encouraged.  If she didn't think I would have worked out she'd have said so.  So that went well I think.  I was honest I don't have hotel experience but I have plenty of experience working with the public.  And I used the words "At your disposal" regarding schedules.  

And I checked the bus runs all the times I would need it.  

So I was done job hunting for the day, once I weeded out all the Career builder scams.  Don't use Career Builder I have had nothing but fraud and scams coming off of that.  The only viable leads I've had were going to a company's web page and clicking "careers" and "apply", then filling out their application and doing my resume.  

My adoptive mom is having eye surgery today, I talked to Dad and told him about the interview while he waited outside in the car.  I talked to my aunt.  

Torbie was in my lap, lost her balance (she's old) and scratched my thigh again.  The same thigh, a little closer to the knee this time.  I wasn't planning on it but not wearing short skirts anytime soon.  Then I tried to take a nap.  Spotty came along, got on my chest purring.  Like Cleo he likes his lovin's in bed, not anywhere else in the house.  I am fine with that.  So I'm petting him and all of a sudden something startled him, he jumped and lashed out with his claws... and now I have a scratch on my elbow.  It is funny because I can go years without being scratched by a cat, now it's twice in one day.  I can't do anything about Spotty, he is not easily spooked, but I do have an extra towel I put on the couch arm, I can place that in my lap when Torbie wants to sit.  Then I will have the towel between her claws and my skin.  I don't blame either of the cats.  

I blocked one guy on a message board because he said he "always" had his cats declawed because his wife had an immune condition and "could get really sick" off a cat scratch.  "But she loves her horses".  Why have cats if you are worried about that?  Why mutilate them?  It's better not to have a cat than to do that, I've seen it up close twice and both times it was agonizing for the cat.  

I did find it interesting my vet is very pro-claw and had a sign up in the cat exam room with a human hand with the fingers cut up.  "It's the same thing for a cat" and would not under any circumstance declaw.  Go, doc!  Years ago Torbie had a tumor on her back left foot, and it was growing.  I took her to doc who watched it, it kept growing, we agreed time to get that thing off.  She said she might have to take the toe.  I was OK with that.  I just wanted the full biopsy on it, and was willing to $$ pay for it.  So doc did the surgery the tumor was right up against a claw tendon, but got it all with good margins.  And she gave me a painkiller "for use in declawed cats".  That's what it said in the directions.  That's as close as either of us would get to that horrid procedure.  

I am OK with getting sliced now and then.  Ron had plenty of rubbing alcohol I have been using that on my cuts.  But that was pretty much it aside from my interview.  I found a word game on my cell phone, play that about 15 minutes a day, says it is good for training my brain (sounds good at any rate).  It is the right amount of challenging for me.  And it has a cheat feature where you can tap on the light bulb for a clue.  This is a big deal for me as I never do games.  But I am bored enough I am doing this game 15 minutes a day.  "Word Trip" I finally remembered.  

So that was pretty much my day.  I will be ready to go back to work when I get the call.  1.  Money.  and 2.  Something to do.  

That's it for now.  

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