Saturday, April 24, 2021

Saturday afternoon

 To those upset about my name in the blog don't worry, it was already out there.  

One thing I have been doing is try to anticipate what might happen and plan for it in advance, like losing the house.  Apartments will only let me have 2 cats.  So that means 3 would need good homes.  I have Torbie pretty settled.  Today I got Spotty.  My aunt has a cat loving neighbor has to put one down, only has 2.  She may take Spotty.  He would be great for her he is very cuddly and sweet.  So is Torbie, for that matter.  

And I will be keeping Baby Girl, who has never once gotten in my lap.  😂  But she wouldn't be rehomed easily and Ron would want me to keep her.  Cleo is terrified of anyone but me so is also on the keep list.  And there's my 2.  

So anyway, I feel better knowing I have possible homes lined up for 2 of the cats.  Biscuit may be a little trickier.  But for now I am choosing to believe the vet would take him.  

I had a good outing today and less distraught than I have been other Saturdays.  Saturday is a good day for most people and I will remember that eventually.  But I sure won't mind working it.  

I have been going outside to sit in the sun periodically I think sun is really important in combatting depression...and I just remembered I forgot to take my B-vitamin.  OK I got that.  

It is hard waiting not knowing when or if I will get a job.  Wondering about Ron's estate and if I will keep the house.  My aunt is in contact with some legal professionals.  I gave her Power Of Attorney that should cover everything for now.  Of course you know what will happen, once everything is settled I am going to take them some Bibles and candy.  

But I am choosing not to live in anxiety right now.  I am going to see if there is anything good on TV not that horrible show about raped women.   

Looked up some apartments near the transit center: 2 cat limit, deposits of varying amounts.  Rent at best will be around $600.  I am starting to see what my aunt said "It's cheaper to live in a house than an apartment" so let's hope I can keep it.  I feel really awful having selected what cats I would keep or not if I do lose the house.  

 But I'd rather have it settled ahead of time then have it bite me.  

But - all is not lost I have not yet been told I will lose the house, so I do have some hope (50%) I can keep it.  We will just have to see.  

I just ate 2 (small loaf of bread) fantastic wow butter (soy nut butter stand in for peanut butter as PB gives me a migraine) and honey sandwiches on whole wheat bread.  With my evening medication of course.  

Torbie scratched me on my leg (her foot slipped as she was getting up from my lap and she instinctively dug in her claw) last week, it is healing but very tight and itchy (a long, deep, scratch).  It is not infected or anything it looks good.  It is high enough I will not be showing that much thigh unless I am at the doctor's.  

I managed to blacken one toe nail during the blackout/freeze back in February I finally trimmed that toenail down.  It looks better but the base is still black, wondering if it will ever come back.  If so I might need to use nail polish when I wear sandals (not that I have any sandals).  The nail is growing so I am not too worried.  It just looks bad.  

I really love to run around barefoot so I notice.  

Ron had terrible toenails.  They were just so ugly, thick, brittle.  I did trim them before he went to the doctor so they looked good on the autopsy table.  But I am sure they were more concerned with the insides.  

You know it could be up to several months before I get a cause of death on Ron?  And even then it may be "we don't know" (worded more formally).  That is a hard wait.  But I'm not going to bug the coroner.  I watched enough "Dr G, Medical Examiner" to understand.  They will know when they know.  

I am curious to find what they found in his brain because the had the trauma, stroke, and all.  With his back they always called it "Degenerative changes".  And it is nice to know his back hasn't bothered him in weeks!  He is in his perfect body!  Probably running hurdles, I like to think of him running in Heaven.  

The cats are good which is nice, I don't need to clean the litter box, they have been going outside.  I am trying to take it easy today; I will likely do some housework tomorrow if nothing else.  

That's it for now.  

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