Saturday, April 17, 2021

I couldn't believe it, either

 Horrible panic attack all night thinking 1.  I don't want to operate a meat slicer and 2.  How about crossing that feeder road (on foot?).  

Got up, did my God Time, went anyway, had an even more massive panic attack standing at the intersection, walked away, called the manager (she was not really excited about me anyway), went to the return trip bus stop.  

I had an uneventful ride but, waiting at my transfer stop, I saw a guy staggering up the street.  Like anyone, I assumed he was drunk, until he got pretty close and I could see he was grimacing and holding his chest as he left arm flopped at his side.  He was having a heart attack!  

He was about my age and a normal weight.  About that time an ambulance came cruising down the street.  I flagged them down and pointed at him.  They got him in the ambulance.  

IT WAS THE SAME CREW CAME FOR RON.  I couldn't believe it.  Once they got him settled my bus came and I went home.  But what are the odds?  

Last night, when I couldn't sleep, I found an overnight stocker job very near my house.  I went ahead and applied and did the web cam interview, they played videos at me and had me react.  I made sure to emphasize my husband is gone, I have no personal life, It's just me and the cats.  I told them I like to do Bible study and pray, read in my off time, watch police procedurals.  

So hopefully that will work out better than today it should be a very easy commute, worst case I can walk (it's that close!).  

So much death!  I really hope Ron didn't go out like that, the poor man was terrified.  

What a day.  

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