Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Sticking to the plan

I had a small workout today.  I had planned, in some fashion, to make it a leg day.  It didn't work out this morning with the crushing headache, but I just did a nice, modest little workout. 

A warm up on the recumbent bike.  15 minutes of intervals, keeping my pulse around 110.  A cool down period on the bike (not counted in the 15 min). 

Then out to the garage.  I didn't want to powerlift because I have a hole in my arm.  So I did leg extensions and hamstring curls, just one set each. 

All done.  I plan to work my way up to 45 minutes cardio 3-4 times a week plus weights.  I don't know what my blood test results will reveal but I am focused on improving overall health. 

Cardio + weights have always done well for me.  I plan to stick with that plan. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

I signed up for a sprint triathlon in the late summer it is my goal for the year so I put a calender of work outs up and am restarting next week (I just could not keep up training at my course ) working out is a magic pill to me. So glad you are doing this for yourself Heather that is the main thing keep fit healthy and strong! Mentally and physically . Ever forward is what I believe