Thursday, April 4, 2019

Well, some good news

I got up early, went to work, went to the bank.  Ron was OK.  He just needs more help than he used to. 

After work, we went to the bank.  Yet again, no one helped us with the door.  There was another family behind us, mexican like the last ones I had to shame into helping.  They hung back until Ron and I got the door open (very difficult for him) and only touched the door as he let it slam closed, after we had already gotten in.  A considerate person would have rushed to help when they saw him struggle and then held the door for us, and their party. 

But they weren't considerate.  We got in there and did our business. 

Ron called a cab to pick us up, he was close by.  Ron asked to be taken to the liquor store.  The driver ran in (with money Ron gave him) and bought the case of vodka Ron had already put on hold, then he brought it out.  We went to a Taco Bell - I didn't mind running in for that.  And we came home. 

I ate my food and took my pills.  I checked my email.  Blood test results are in. 

All scores were normal except for mildly elevated (a dozen points or so) cholesterol profile, but the ratio was good.  A1C was 5.4, excellent.  Lithium level was .83 - fantastic and the best it has ever been.  TSH was also normal.  Doc later had his assistant call me and leave a message stating he is very happy with the results. 

So good, nothing to worry about.  My supplements are working.  I am not diabetic with all that entails. 

Thank God.  Situation normal, all [laugh]

No rush on meeting with a primary doc now to ask about a higher morning reading.  If I am eating a moderate amount of carbs and still have an A1C of 5.4, I don't need to worry.  And I don't need any additional prescriptions. 

Good.  I really didn't need any more drama.  I told Ron, he was happy for me.  Very happy to hear I am not diabetic. 

Now I need to figure out the next couple of days.  I need to get some stuff from Walmart.  But Fridays and Sundays are very busy for their delivery service.  So, that's out.  I work on Monday and see Doc on Tuesday.  I suppose I will get my delivery Monday after work. 

Saturday we have our big supply run and I will probably do some powerlifting after we get home and I take a nap. 

By the way, last night we had to call the garbage company to come pick it up.  They did, but pretty late. 

We still have not received the sales tax form, I asked my aunt to print one up (I am having printer difficulties), so we will have that.  Ron also needs to call and ask them to mail him one with our information on it.  I don't know our account number, and that is required to file the form.  Ugh.  I will be glad when this is all over. 

And if they gave the form to one of my neighbors by mistake, and they didn't return it, I hope they don't get that important thing they have been looking for in the mail.  When I get someone's mail I always return it. 

No good deed and all that. 


Spankadoo said...

YAY on the blood levels I wonder if your meter is off? Do you have something to calibrate it with? They usually give you something when you buy the kit. All that home cooking you have been doing and think of the work outs and how that will help you stay fit and healthy!

Heather Knits said...

Well, they call it the dawn effect, some people the body releases extra glucose in the morning. Explains why I am NEVER hungry first thing, and am a morning person. I have that glucose yelling "Get up and do something!"

If the overall is so good I am not worried.

A lot of reasons to stay healthy here. More than most. :)