Thursday, April 11, 2019


I have to bang this out and then go to work. 

I take lithium.  One thing it does is make the urine smell bad.  Really bad, but not as bad as Ron's urinals. 

I grew up in a drought stricken area, and we had a house policy not to flush on urine.  I got into that habit. 

Ron complains sometimes and tells me to flush (why he doesn't do it himself, I don't know), makes me get up and push the lever even though he is right there. 

This is a man who has, when drunk, peed literally everywhere in the house.  There is not one room he hasn't gotten.  Remember when I found the bottle full of urine in the fridge? 

This morning I had some trouble on the toilet and ended up needing to take come magnesium citrate.  That will likely hit sometime at work but they have facilities.  That's all that matters. 

So I was focused on my difficulties.  I finally gave up and decided to wait for the "medication" to kick in (this can be a side effect of my pills, but very uncommon per doc). 

Ron woke up and started bitching "The smell" etc. "Oh so bad" has he smelled his own feet lately?  You don't hear me bitching about it but his whole room smells like rotting feet, it is horrible.  I won't even sit on the mattress. 

He goes on about that for a while, I am so awful, I am "attacking" him with the smell of my urine.  That is delusional thinking if I ever heard it.  On and on and on and on. . He said, flush every time.  I said OK.  He kept going on and decided I did it on purpose to attack him, and the only way to "get me back" was by waking me up repeatedly tonight, to "remind" me to flush. 

What an asshole!  I NEVER screw with his sleep.  Never.  I only wake him up when a ride is coming. 

I don't know if he will do it but he sure did it the other time when I wouldn't go look for a talking book for him, because he had been verbally abusive and thrown a urinal at me. 

He is just not the man I fell in love with.  That guy would be horrified at even the thought of waking me up like that "just to make a point". 


Spankadoo said...

This breaks my heart, no one deserves to be treated this poorly. I am so very sorry Heather I wish you so much strength to stop doing what you think is best for Ron and put yourself as number one. There is nothing wrong with wanting a happy peaceful life . Trust me the path I had to walk was not easy and I gave up a lot but wow now my choices and life are my own.

You deserve so much better than to be treated this badly.

Anonymous said...

Waking a person up on purpose like that is a form of torture.

Heather Knits said...

I agree completely, it is a form of torture.

Ron talks about me "getting another job so he can retire" and I immediately go to this behavior, and how much WORSE it would be with him lying in bed DRINKING all day. I don't tell him but that is the primary reason I won't let him quit - he has to be up to a certain standard on work days, able to do the accounting, etc. All those standards go away if he is at home drinking all day while I pay the bills.

It is a very sad statement for him that he could ever consider doing this. He actually did this back in 2011/2012 and was an integral reason in me wanting to leave at that point.

Anonymous said...

You’ve considered leaving so many times that he knows he has you wrapped around his finger. Your blog used to be you standing up to adversity. Now it’s you curling up and giving up. You are better than this. Just because your parents sucked doesn’t mean you need to spend your life shackled to a smelly jerk.


Anonymous said...

Also heather, I have bipolar too. You realize how big schedules and sleep is for us?

If you could have a normal life at a normal job working normal hours you’d feel so good instead of working these random insane hours for a psycho who sees you as a pet not as a wife.