Friday, April 12, 2019

Before the shower

I slept OK last night, Ron did not follow through on his threat to keep me up all night.  When he makes threats like that, it really tempts me to consider buying an air horn and wake HIM up every 20 minutes or so when he sleeps (during the day). 

Yes, petty, I know. 

But I slept OK.  Ron demanded I flush every time I urinate, which made for a whole lot of flushing last night and all day yesterday.  Our water bill is going to go up dramatically.  It's a real PITA but there I am, the peacemaker. 

My Dad told me once I yelled at him when I was about 3, my mother had passed out and he was trying to get her up.  He got impatient (I imagine!) and was yelling at her.  I came up to him and told him "Don't yell at Mommy, she's sick".  So it started even then. 

Gah, my f*cked up life.  I got up this morning, my foot was a little better for walking around but I plan to get it in a shoe as soon as I take my shower. 

I woke up with a pretty considerable headache so I broke protocol and took Excedrin with a cold Mountain Dew I had in the fridge, praise God.  Often a really cold soda will help tremendously.  My hamstrings are still pretty sore from my workout the other day (kettlebell).  But my feet are better and should be fine by the end of next week. 

I got up, took the medicine, and laid down again.  Biscuit didn't like that much and walked around on me until I got up.  The massage felt pretty good on my abdomen. 

I got up, fed him, Baby Girl showed up, fed her.  Torbie showed up, fed her the 12+ senior formula.  Everyone ate until full and wandered off, then I had to race around picking up food bowls.  I can't have Biscuit eating their food, or the girls eating his.  It is OK if Torbie eats Baby Girl's 7+ formula, which she like to do on occasion. 

I got on the computer for a while.  I am working on a playlist for working out..  So far I have "Dr Feelgood" on it.  I am aiming for metal mainly, I need energy songs to get me going when I am working out. 

I used the bathroom.  Yesterday's medication is still helping, just enough.  Apparently I can't take it ongoing, though, so I may need to find something at Walmart I can take daily for a while.  Between the prescriptions and the multivitamin with iron...

Biscuit started bothering me again, for food.  He even put his head in my lap.  I figured maybe he threw up so I gave him some more.  He ate it with serious intent and then wandered off.  I put up his food. 

Now I'm getting ready to take a shower.  I need to wash my hair, don't need to wash - shave - my legs.  I also need to find some thicker socks since I will be trying on shoes.   Chuck will be here at 10:30. 

Ron gave me money for Chuck and money for the electric bill.  He did not give me anything else.  I have some "flexible" money I can spend on the shoes, etc.  Money I spend on shoes now will not be spent on the doctor later. 

Because, from what I read, not much they can do for plantar fascitis.  Injections in the heel, but may damage the tendon.  Surgery - no thanks.  Better shoes, yes please.  I have learned my lesson and already threw out the "bad" old shoes. 

I am thinking I will give everything a 6 month rotation, then replace it.  I can afford to do that, and I can't afford not to do it..  I am over 200 pounds, that puts a strain on my feet. 

We will see how that goes.  I never thought taking a walk could mess me up like that.  I did not go fast, or very far. 

Anyway, I need to get into that shower and get dressed.  I already had headache pills (200), Mountain Dew (80), and Dr Pepper (60 mg).  That's a pretty good amount of caffeine.  I would love more but I am pretty much at my max for the day.  I can get one more Dr Pepper at the store but that's it. 

So I'll go find something decaf before I take my shower. 

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