Thursday, April 18, 2019

People 101

OOOh, I just lost my temper. 

I won't repeat the whole thing, basically someone I know sharing her paranoid ravings about how the cashier at Walmart is secretly overcharging you and pocketing the money.  But "LOL maybe I'm wrong". 

She didn't have the balls to make it public, either.  She just wanted "friends" to verify her paranoid delusions. 

It's called slander.  I used to be a cashier and that was one of the worst parts of my job, people accusing me of ripping them off, or trying to.  That was pretty much the only time I called my supervisor.  The rest of time the customers and I were very happy - and I did this for years. 

I was always nice to people when I caught them trying to shoplift, and they'd say "That's not mine!" with this huge fake outrage.  I would ask them if they wanted me to ring it up and they would always say no.  And I would put it back in the stack of merchandise to be returned. 

But I would have people say I didn't give them their change, when they'd just put it in their pocket.  Either they had serious short term memory issues or they were trying to rip me off "Let's get another $20 out of dum-dum". 

Or, like this woman was suggesting: stand there and block the line while you slowly go down the whole receipt, line by line, demanding to know what each item "meant".  Throw a fit if something is on there you don't immediately understand, acting like the cashier's intent is to take your money. 

Because, after all, the cashier is secretly keeping $5 and $10 bar codes off to the side to pad your order.  AGH.   The woman was dead serious. 

So offensive to service providers.  Like their job isn't hard enough already. 

I have very seldom had issues at Walmart.  Interestingly enough, my problems have come from Sam's Club.  They are the ones I watch, but not in an ugly accusatory fashion.  I make sure I get my change, I don't allow myself to be distracted. 

But I don't go into every store acting like they're trying to screw me.  Treat someone like they're a jerk and they'll be one. 

That is people 101. 

So I told her she had it WRONG, she was being very OFFENSIVE, I had experience in the matter and there were medical names for people who thought everyone was out to get them.  I left it at that. 

I am sure there will be an outraged reply the next time I log onto Facebook and she will probably unfriend me, all of which is fine. 

I really don't want to be "friends" with someone like that. 

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