Sunday, February 10, 2019

The rest of my day

When it was time to eat, I ate some chips, and fruit.  At least I am eating fruit now.  The headache wasn't getting any better so I laid down for a while. 

I got up around 3.  Horrible headache.  Ron wanted to work on the report.  I decided to take a dose of headache pills even though they are "bad" for me in the long run.  I did, but they didn't help.  It's like a hand is on the top of my head, with the fingers digging in at the base of my skull, where it meets the neck. 

So we did accounting stuff for a couple of hours.  Ron had taken a Tramadol which we have observed causes him thinking problems.  It was very difficult for him. 

Trust me, I get it.  Sometimes my medication messes me up and that's no fun.  It would be nice if it made me see pretty colors or something, but instead it is often headache, nausea, fatigue like some sort of horrible trio. 

Baby Girl got up when I needed to use the computer to file the report, without me even asking.  Sometimes I think they understand more than we think.  I did my end of things and input the form online, then made the online payment. 

We are done for another month.  Ron is wrung out. 

I had to help him some more, his cell phone charger died, but I found a backup for him.  He has an "old" phone and the new chargers don't work for his phone.  I also have an "old" style charger but I am selfish and not sharing, Ron is very hard on his toys. 

When I am feeling better I will get him something on Amazon.  He gave me some money for his online purchases. 

I only had about 20 minutes to eat after helping Ron with the report, and I didn't feel up to it.  When my headaches get bad I lose my appetite, with a strong nausea tinge.  I figured a shake would work. 

I have protein shakes in the fridge for my use.  Vanilla, because chocolate gives me migraines.  Although I doubt the "chocolate" shakes really contain it.  I got a Walmart branded "High protein" shake - 30 grams protein, and had that, washing my pills down.  And it was a good call, the headache got a little better, I'm not queasy, and I got my pills down. 

I am glad I bought another case of them the last time I went.  It also has lots of vitamins in it so that will only help. 

I didn't feel up to smelling a can of cat food, though, so I just gave them another scoop of dry.  Torbie was the first to partake, she loves dry.  Biscuit was pretty disappointed but eventually ate some dry.  Baby Girl is currently soliciting treats from Ron. 

We work tomorrow morning.  Ron didn't want to do anything after so we will stay at home. 

I just hope the headache runs off by then. 

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