Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Biscuit has a conditon

Well, that was more excitement than I'd like. 

I was sitting in my chair watching TV.  I have the litter box, one of them, right in front of the TV.  Biscuit got in the box.  I watched the TV for another 15 minutes and realized Biscuit was still in the box, and he had "the expression". 

I have seen "the expression" two other times with other cats I had, and both ended up with FUS.  Feline Urinary Syndrome.   One was rehomed for other reasons, and one actually died of it, because I waited overnight "to see if it would get better".  By the time I took him in, it was too late. 

You can't give me a flogging for that I haven't given myself.  I swore, next time, the cat would go to the vet RIGHT AWAY.  I waited another 10 minutes.  No joy, still in the box.  I looked at the litter, it was dry and clean. 

Well, crap.  I got my phone and called the vet.  They said bring him in.  I called Arturo the cab driver.  He said 15 minutes.  I took it. 

I waited about 10 minutes and stuffed Biscuit in his carrier.  I left the crock-pot on and left the wet laundry in the washer.  I took him outside because Ron was asleep and I wanted to present Ron with a fait accompli when it was all done.  Biscuit was fine, mellow, watching the outside from the chair on the porch. 

His mood changed when I put him in the cab, he began howling.  Arturo was nice about it, laughing and jolly.  We got to the vet quickly, they are not far.  I gave Arturo a LARGE tip and took Biscuit in, still hollering. 

Once he got into the vet he was OK.  They put him on an exam table, gave him some Feliway, and covered his carrier with a blanket.  He calmed quickly. 

The vet came in super quick considering we were a drop-in.  I was glad she was taking it seriously.  She examined him and found a distended bladder.  They did an ultrasound and found stones. 

Long story short, they took him off and did things to him.  They tested his urine and found struvite stones.  I will do some research.  BUT she sells Royal Canin something bladder formula for cats that is proven to help reduce struvite stones.  I will need to give an antibiotic.  The vet said she felt he would be a good boy about taking medication.  There was no blood because I brought him in early.  I would have so rather spent $50 on a blank trip (plus cab) than find out I couldn't save him, a couple days from now. 

Ron is still asleep, I will let him know when he wakes up.  But I know I did the right thing taking him in, and now Ron doesn't have to worry.  Biscuit is already diagnosed, treated, and getting better.  He is, to quote the tech "Stoned out of his mind".  Good. 

I am glad I could do this.  It won't be cheap but it is cheaper than an ER copay for me.  And, hopefully, this will be the only time. 

I am just glad he isn't hurting anymore.  He will be ready for breakfast tomorrow and I am curious to see what they do regarding that.  Maybe give him some of the prescription food? 

I drank way too much caffeine (3 bottles of Diet Dr Pepper) while waiting and I about paced a hole in the floor.  But everyone was very nice, especially when I was waiting on Arturo to come take me home.  He got another large tip for that one.  That is why I give large tips.  You get what you pay for. 

He made a good "purramedic".  The girls (cats) are looking for him but he will be home tomorrow. 

Then we institute the new diet.  That's going to be interesting. 


Anonymous said...

Tell biscuit we are all praying for him and want him to get better.

Anonymous said...

I hope Biscuit starts feeling better soon. Different cats of mine have spent the night at the vet a few times , so I know what that’s like (for you and them, as well as the cats waiting at home!) glad you caught it quickly. And Don’t beat yourself up about the past with your other cats. There’s always things we wish we did differently.

Heather Knits said...

It was hard, wondering about him all alone in his kennel, with the catheter. :( We will be very happy to see each other today, after work. Ron plans to go to work, run an errand, and then run by the vet to pick him up.

Unknown said...

Our dog gets crystals and the Royal Cannine for dogs has done wonders for him and he loves it. We get it autoshipped from

Spankadoo said...

So glad Biscuit is home and doing well give him extra petting for us please !