Wednesday, February 27, 2019

5 kinds of curry

It's been a pretty quiet day.  I took a nap from @ 9 to 11, got up.  I am working on a load of clothes right now in the washer.  The chicken is progressing nicely, I will turn off the heat around 4.  The cats have been treated (to Surfer something by Temptations). 

But I found it sad, Ron and I were awake at the same time and he asked me about last night.  He said his leg was really bad (he gets shooting pains down his leg from the back pain).  I get that. 

Then he asked if I would "rather" he deal with the pain (after taking his painkiller), or drink himself into a blackout so he could "turn it off".  I told him I would want the first. 

He was not expecting it, but he endangers himself when he has a blackout, and is FAR louder than he is moaning a little now and then.  And I'm NEVER giving him "permission" to drink. 

I still don't get the "I'm in pain so I have to moan and groan loudly" thing.  I can only figure it was learned behavior, in the hospital, after his eye operations (he had 9) when he was a child.  He wouldn't get any attention from the nurses unless he moaned and groaned, so he learned to do that.  My theory. 

Someone tells me men are just more prone to moan and carry on when they are in pain, and women are more stoic.  Maybe.  But it is not fair to me, as a caregiver to keep me up moaning and groaning.  If you are in pain, keep it to yourself.  I can't fix your back.  I didn't run over you, why are you punishing me, your only caregiver? 

It's not fair.  I have never moaned and cried during my migraines.  I just speak in a quiet, strained, voice.  It drives Ron nuts because he is hard of hearing and I normally have to yell somewhat to be heard.  He can't hear me, when I talk, with a migraine.  So I just sort of belt out in a loud voice that I have a migraine and crawl back to bed, don't peep for days. 

I can't have my sleep interrupted, it is bad for me mentally.  And it is a very cheap shot: attempted blackmail "Let me have a blackout or I will keep you up all night".  How's this?  How about we don't drink at all, live responsibly, eat real food, and take our vitamins as directed?  No, suck it up.  If it is bad enough you will either change something in your life or say something to the doctor.  But if you're up all night moaning one week, and sitting in your chair smiling at the doctor and saying "Everything is fine", then you made your own bed.  I won't feel sorry for him. 

I don't even tell him when I have a headache, 90% of the time.  It is just easier to keep it to myself.  If he is having a good time, it ruins it; and if he is having a bad day he just uses it as an excuse to shout loudly at God, exacerbating the headache. 

I got the clothes into the second cycle.  Ron generally soils his clothes (with food) so badly they require a formal soak cycle first with stain remover, and then a second, standard, cycle to finish them off.  It is also good for my socks.  The "plastic" fibers do a good job wicking but are horrible for getting soiled and stained.  They appreciate the extra soak cycle.  So it's a win. 

I use Tide Free and Clear - the white Tide pods, whatever they are, for laundry.  They work well and no problems.  I use Shout Gel for really bad stains, and that gets out just about everything.  I normally buy generic everything but I don't cheap it on laundry products, because we are judged by our appearance.  Ron looks bad enough without being "dirty".  This way I have less work, too. 

I need to get a designated cooking t-shirt.  I used to have one the last time I did a lot of cooking.  It was great, oversized, didn't matter if it got a grease spatter on it, because it only had one purpose, protecting me while I cooked.  I hate aprons and they never cover enough, but the t-shirt was great.  I just need to get it in an "oddball" color so I won't wear it out of the house by accident.  I will look the next time I go to Walmart in person. 

That's the only bad thing about delivery, they don't do the clothes (yet!). 

I will also get the new blood sugar meter.  Link  They don't make the "micro" strips any more so goodbye, old meter.  "They" say you are supposed to change it out every few years anyway. 

I have been dealing with an off-and-on persistent headache today.  I don't want to take anything but I can listen to music and have my light on, look at a computer screen, do laundry and cook, so not too bad. 

The cats all swarmed Ron for treats, there was quite a feast.  Baby Girl was sleeping with Ron earlier which he loves. 

Ron needs to call the MRI place and schedule an appointment but "didn't wanna" when I checked.  He was trying to sleep after having some vodka.  I will try again later.  He needs to be responsible and do this himself.  I won't do it for him, I do enough for him and he needs to be a big boy.  It's not going to hurt, it will be a long ride on paratransit each way, waiting for a while, lying down with a pillow under his knees, and then a ride home.  It is not painful.  His last one was "fine".  The last one he could finish.  He couldn't finish the last one due to the back issue but this time they will have a bigger "portal" and the ability to put a pillow under his knees.  We need to know what is going on, anyway.  It is possible it is something that could be fixed with an outpatient procedure.  And wouldn't he be upset if it was?  All that pain and suffering and he could have fixed it. 

I will have a talk with him when he sobers up.  He did say he would "try a few bites" of the chicken curry when it is done (I will serve it over rice), it will be interesting to see if he likes it.  I have found I like exotic spices.  Many Texans are far more conservative and just want salt, pepper, garlic, celery, and bell pepper. 

But I have 5 kinds of curry! 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

I love curry! Heather you do not scream and yell and moan and grown because you are NOT a narcissistic personality. Ron sure is! I have noticed in my years in medicine that the lounder they are about pain the more likely they are narcissists. They will not tolerate the least little bit of pain or inconvenience and have no clue why you do not get that ? Much love and strength you have me wanting to cook more so keep on cooking it is good for both of us! OOOXXX