Friday, February 8, 2019

Desperate times

I slept OK but woke up with a headache.  After I got up, I heard Ron moaning and saw him curled up in the fetal position.  I watched him for a little bit and determined it was "just" chronic pain.  It was severe enough I actually asked him if he had taken hi pain pill.  Sometimes he forgets, even after he starts hurting.

He said he had and went back to moaning.  I got ready.  Ron was so miserable it got me thinking. I started doing some research.

I asked Ron if he wanted to cancel, maybe I could run the errands with Chuck.  He said he would be OK and got dressed with difficulty.  He had trouble moving, and was in pain, but he was able to get around.

We went to the bank.  We had to convert $1 bills into inventory money for tomorrow.  We did that.  We had a rather long wait - Ron did not pay for a cab, but made a paratransit trip to go to Walmart.  The driver showed up, on time.

It was a driver who really does not like Ron at all.  She is still professional, though.  So I kept Ron distracted by chatting with him.  If I hadn't talked to Ron he would have "bothered" the driver.  She took the absolute shortest route.

We got out and I pushed him into the Walmart.  We went to the pharmacy and got his pain pills.  There was a problem getting them run but the doctor's office fixed that yesterday.  At any rate, we got them, reasonable price, and he tucked them away on his person.  Good idea.

I took him back up front at his request.  I told him I would ideally like half an hour to shop after I made my deposit.  He said OK.

The deposit took forever, a long time, people with complicated transactions as well.  One guy was bragging to another how he was helping his nephew evade child support.  Jerk.  The kids didn't ask to be made, and they have to eat.  What is the mother supposed to clothe them?  Feed them?  Buy beds for them?

I finally got up front and she seemed happy to have a simple transaction.  I went and checked on Ron, told him NOW I would be doing my shopping.  I took almost exactly a half hour.

Ron was feeling poorly again by the time I checked out.  He called Arturo, who couldn't do it.  I do thank God that Arturo will say that.  We called Alex, he could come, but in half an hour.  Knowing the track record of cabs at that Walmart, I told Ron to take it.

Alex came on time and loaded everything.  Some drivers don't want me to lift a finger.  Not one thing.  Alex is one of them.  I am a little awkward when a man wants to do things for me, like open a door or carry packages, because Ron can't.  But I accepted.

We got home fast and Alex put everything in the garage, then we got Ron stuffed in his chair.  It was about 1:30.

I put everything away (I had treated myself to some smoked salmon, and had frozen onions and fake crab), got Ron settled, and took a nap.  I was a little wound up from the caffeine I had but the next time I looked at my alarm clock it was 3:30.  I got up.  I had a headache.  Took something.

I am moderately depressed but not awful.  I am taking everything in a timely manner, even with my modified fasting thing.  I eat between 10 and 6, then don't eat.  Pretty simple way of eating.  I can take my pills in the "eating" window.

I talked to Ron for awhile about various things.  I took out the garbage and tried to figure out dinner.

Ron was happy with what he had to eat - he ate several chicken strips from the Walmart deli, today.  I decided to eat fruit, yogurt, and another protein shake.  Healthy.  I finished right before 6, and took my pills.

I will let all that digest for a while before I drink any sugar free drink mix.

I would love to take off my bra but Jack is coming over later.  That would present the wrong impression!

I decided NOT to take any chicken out to thaw.  I had some frozen chicken thighs delivered Tuesday.  They look good but I have to thaw them before I cook them.  If I cook them in the crock pot I will need to skin them, too.  Chicken skin doesn't do too well in a crock pot.

But if I take them out I am now committed to cooking them.  I know someone will say something about an instant pot about now but I am not interested right now.  I like what I have.

I talked it over with Ron and decided not to take anything out until I really felt like cooking.  It is hard to know how I will feel tomorrow but I am running depressed right now, that is a certainty, and that means I generally do not want to cook.

And, like he said, I can get something delivered if I want.  Although I did splurge on some smoked salmon today.  I love smoked salmon.  I also have some fake crab so I can make a salad with that, some tuna and mayo, lemon pepper if I want.

That sounds good.  I will probably do that for dinner.  Ron and I have a policy now not to eat out on Saturday.

We have to work tomorrow but not very long.  That's good.

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