Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Twig tea

So, I took a shower and did my God Time.  I decided to take a nap, but had trouble falling asleep. 

That tends to happen when I'm manic, but, when I'm manic, I tend to run myself down so a nap is important, if I can get it.  I slept a little, and woke up with a headache. 


I did not, yesterday, when I skipped my dose of antidepressant due to my fear of shaking hands.  And the antidepressant does make my hands shake.  It apparently also gives me headaches. 

Frustrating.  I got up and took something, drank some Gatorade.  I decided to go out.  Ron was just moping around the house, drinking, and sleeping.  That sort of energy isn't good for me. 

And I wanted to see if I could find a teapot, something I could put on the stove and boil water when the power goes out.  An electric kettle's only good if I have electric.  I also wanted to get some more tea. 

When I'm manic I can't buy enough of whatever it is that holds my interest.  Some of my interests have been soap making, candle making, bbqing, wood finishing, knitting, crochet, lace making, you get the idea.  Almost anything. 

The plan is to buy "enough" tea to hold me through my next depression.  I have a small area of counter space for my drink mixes, tea, and electric teapot.  I can only fill up that area. 

So I bagged up some candy and took my pink floral reusable bag.  The grocery store is in a bad area, and doesn't like backpacks.  I respect that. 

I got my bus pass, put on my walking shoes, etc.  I told Ron I was leaving.  I forgot to turn on my cell phone. 

Again, pretty much peak hours.  As I got to the bus stop, I saw a white woman with a white baby, no diaper bag, just the baby, a black toddler, and a slightly older (maybe 4?) black child.  I thought that was odd.  One, that she had no supplies for the baby.  Two, that she was traveling without a stroller when even the poorest mother in Acres Homes has a $10 stroller, and the whole interracial thing seemed odd.  The kids were not mixed race, so not hers. 

I could only figure she was doing daycare, and her car broke down.  The kids ran around on the bus like they'd never ridden one.  I felt sorry for the driver.

They pulled the bell (so to speak, now you push a button to signal your stop) at a VERY busy intersection.  One I won't cross.  Ever.  It's too dangerous.  I saw a woman run over at that intersection, holding her broken leg.  No way.  No way carrying an infant, with a toddler, and a young boy.  But when we pulled away, there they were, waiting to cross.  I wonder if they kids' parents knew she was doing this. 

I got to my stop.  I went into the store and headed for the tea aisle.  Tea is Tra in Vietnamese.  I am learning a little language. 

I bought some more pu-erh tea, some oolong, bitter melon tea (supposed to be good for helping to keep your blood sugar down), and twig tea.  They roast the tea bush branches and make tea out of it.  It's good, very toasty, somewhat mild. 

I shopped for a little while.  I got some lemon puff cookies and found a teapot!  I couldn't figure out how to make the lid work.  But I found another teapot that did work, and was cheaper.  I wasn't sure how I'd get it home but I put it in my cart anyway. 

Then I bought some bottled jasmine green tea.  One of my favorite things about Ron's stay in the trauma center: they had a huge "keg" of jasmine green tea, in the cafeteria.  I drank gallons of the stuff.  So good.  The store had it bottled up like a Coke so I got 2. 

I paid and went to the Chinese food place nearby.  Ron said he could go for some BBQ wings.  I wanted some lo mien.  I ordered the "special".  Again, heavy crap to carry in addition to the bulky, lighter, crap I already had. 

I caught the bus home.  I had the same driver.  The young man across the way from me had spilled his drink all over the floor.  He seemed very sheepish.  I gave him a bag of candy (I try to bring an extra when I travel). 

A man in the back of the bus came up, saying he knew me.  I looked at him.  I didn't know him.  He said I had given his daughter a Scripture booklet for Halloween.  Yup, that's me.  I should have said I was praying for them daily but I did not. 

We got off at the same stop.  Him, I didn't mind following me. 

I came home, thank God I am done.  I gave Ron his food and he ate about half.  I sat down with my lo mien but Ron kept interrupting me.  I finally told him I had already taken my pills and had to finish my meal, or I'd get sick.  He left me alone after that. 

I realized my takeout container had a crack in it.  It was leaking soy sauce out into the plastic bag.  Thankfully I had not taken the box out of the bag.  I ate the rest of my meal over the sink.  Then I put the leftovers into a reusable container. 

I got Ron's food, threw away the chicken bones, and put the rest in the fridge.  Now I'm just getting ready to go to bed. 

Tomorrow looks to be busy. 

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