Sunday, August 26, 2018

Laundry test

So, yesterday Ron threw up all over his clothes.  Then he lay on the floor for a while.

I finally got his clothes off yesterday and put them in a bag, in the laundry room.  They were so bad I considered throwing them out.  I have dealt with worse laundry but it's been a long time.

But they don't sell the shorts anymore and if I'm going to save the shorts, I might as well make an attempt toward saving the shirt.

I try to take a positive view of things.  Instead of focusing on the sad and disgusting nature of drunks who fall on the floor and vomit on their clothing, I'm going to focus on the stain removal challenge of getting the puke out.

I ran it on "soak" cycle first, with some Biz (a stain remover).  It has had pretty good results in the past.  Then I'm going to do my inaugural use of my Lysol Laundry Sanitizer, and a Tide Pod.  I'm using warm water, the clothes are cotton.

It will be interesting to see if it gets everything out.  I will come back and edit the post and let you know how it went.

I always try to be positive.

 Well, the shirt didn't come clean.  I will treat it with some shout gel when it dries, if that doesn't do it it's a loss.  I won't put it in the dryer. 

Shorts were OK, but they weren't bad to begin with.  I am currently cleaning Ron up so he doesn't frighten the customers tomorrow. 


Anonymous said...

Why can't a blind person do their own laundry?

Heather Knits said...

The old washer wasn't blind friendly. Ron has a real knack for breaking things, so I won't let him touch the new washer.

I think he *might* have a little trouble pretreating those stains and such, too.