Monday, August 13, 2018

She gave out my address?!

We are having problems with the air conditioner.  We may need a service call.  Not looking forward to that. 

Then, this morning, we had another wheelchair client in the back of the cab.  The cabs can only hold one wheelchair, and Ron of course has one.  The driver had to fold up Ron's wheelchair and put it next to him, in the backseat. 

Then, after dropping off the other client (who, by the way, is a huge gossip), the driver said "Oh, I gave her your full address this morning, when she asked".  What else would you have given her, if she asked?  Aren't we entitled to some privacy, without our address being published to all the other clients? 

Driver says the other client wanted to put our address into her GPS, so she could "find a better route".  That was information she did not need to have, the driver has her own GPS. 

Needless to say Ron called in and complained, said he did not want the drivers to hand out his address to other clients.  And Ron is generally easygoing in these matters.  I was furious. 

The last thing I want is a big gossip drama queen (she is) with my home address.  No way, no how. 

We got to work, I helped Ron first, then did my work.  I called Doc and told him about the migraines. 

I got back to work doing my stuff.  We finished and left, went home. 

I was still pissed off about the one driver giving out our address. 

We got home and I took a nap.  I was pretty beat.  Woke up with yet another headache.  Took something. 

We went to Walmart.  I would have liked to go straight from work but Ron can't do that.  He has to go home, first, and lie down for some hours before he can get upright and go again. 

I left him near the door, he complained about the heat.  So I moved him. 

I bought my supplies, including some applesauce, and cheap dry cat food, for the possum.  We don't want him getting hungry :(.  We plan to feed him on the porch. 

We had a good ride home with a driver we like.  He was shocked the other driver gave out our full address to a client.  A client has no business with another client's address, unless of course it is given by the homeowner. 

Now, I can understand "Where are we going next?"  "We are going to Main street".  I can even understand giving two major cross streets as a reference point for another client, but not an exact address.  But I do understand sometimes the other client wants to know, in what direction are we headed and how far is it going to take me out of my way. 

Just don't.  Give out.  My street address.  It's bad enough they are brought to me house, see where I live, comment on my neighborhood, ask if nearby houses are for rent.  With my address, you can get more personal information and I don't want that.  Plus, I am a private person and I really don't want someone knowing where I live.  It's MY business. 

We came home.  When loading, I told the driver driving was his job and loading was mine.  He asked if he could help me unload.  I said, sure, if he wanted, but he shouldn't feel like he HAD to.  Then I picked up the heaviest bag and took it in the garage.  He got a lighter bag and brought it to me. 

Then we got Ron and brought him in.  I put my stuff away, ate, took my pills.  I got online for a bit. 

We fought with the airconditioner.  It is working for now. 

In a couple of hours, I will put out some applesauce and cat food (not in the same dish) for the possum, or another one.  Everything I read about possums says I want them in my yard. 

We have tomorrow off, should be nice to rest up.  I plan to drink a lot of tea.  I hate the word detox because that makes me think of people taking laxatives, but I plan to drink some good tea for detox (not laxative) and get the antidepressant out of my system. 

Oh, and Doc's office called back.  They want me to stop taking the antidepressant for a few days, get back to them, and then they will call in a new antidepressant for me.  Sounds good to me. 


Anonymous said...

While it may be good to have possums in your yard, putting food out on your porch is a Very Bad Idea. The rats, raccoons and other creatures that you don’t want in your yard and that your neighbors won’t want multiplying in the neighborhood won’t walk up and be like “oh, this food is for That One Possum, I won’t eat it”.

If I put out bird seed for the birds, there’s a racoon out in my yard within 30 minutes, scaling my bird feeder!

Heather Knits said...

To be honest, I don't really care what the neighbors want. They have all been rude to me on more than one occasion. The "new" #2 leaves a small dog barking in the yard all afternoon, every afternoon, now. Very annoying. Do they care? Hell no. And we won't get into #6.

Possums eat rats so I am not worried about them.

I only put out a half cup of food, there is at least one stray cat running around the neighborhood so it can eat the cat food if it beats the possum. If I see a problem I will stop, but I'm not worried.

Anonymous said...

Well,let’s hope it doesn’t causean issue and you don’t get the city called on you or you get a citation. In some places that is against city/neighborhood rules to purposely/knowingly attract rats and other vermin. They are a nuisance and bring disease. Much worse than just a barking dog.