Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Well that's some good news

 Sunday and Monday my cycle was pretty heavy.  Today it is basically non-existent.  Very good.

The store was pretty dead yesterday and very slow when I came in today but that's no guarantee.  And they will cut my hours if sales are bad.

Between us I could use an extra day off, just one, but if it happens it won't be until after New Year.  I am TIRED.  

I figured out yesterday I work about 50 hours a week if you combine the store and evangelism.  I know a lot of people work more.  My meds make me very tired though.  Not stupid enough to stop them but now and then it would be nice to spend a day in bed.  With the cats 

I love sleeping with Biscuit I am addicted.  I watched him pee this morning before I left and it looked great, so hopefully I will have him for some time to come.  I saw Cleo and the Spot-Man but they flitted around more and really didn't say hi.  

I guess I am not starting early today.  The store is freezing I don't know why.  I am glad I wore the candy cane hoodie a friend gave me last night.  I have the hood pinned inside so it doesn't violate dress code.  

That's it for now!

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