Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday morning

 Yesterday and today I had an instant energy drink when I first woke up and both days I have been dragging.  I don't think I'm doing it tomorrow.  

Yesterday was pretty quiet, difficult boss was off.  I know what to do and I did it.  One of the other associates said something about me coming up with off the wall comments she finds funny.  I guess that is a good thing?  She is still nice to me.  

She's one I don't think would want to hear about Fetal Alcohol so I won't tell her.  Also often mothers get very angry when I tell them about it they think I am accusing them of maiming their kids.  I'm not, I just say MY mother maimed me with heavy drinking every day she was pregnant.  

But likely they did drink some during the pregnancy and they feel very angry and upset when I talk to them; so as a rule now I don't.  

I just say I have "brain damage from birth" let them think the doctor messed up or something.  I have learned to pick my battles.  

The people who were assigned to do my old job have failed miserably at it.  So last night they had one of my coworkers cover for them.  I may be required to do that today.  I hope not.  

It is funny they were so rude talking all kinds of crap about me when I did the job, how "easy" I had it, how "lazy" I was, etc. and now they realize it was a truly terrible job.  I'm not in a hurry to get it back.  

All ready to go: I have my lunch packed, shower, God Time, cats got their food and treats.  Someone threw up in the hall last night but they all had a good appetite so I'm not worried about it.  

I am all ready to come home and I haven't even left yet!  But I did bring candy.  Since it will be warmer later I have candy + chocolate for this morning (cold) I will give that away first.  Then for this afternoon I have more rugged candy with the tracts.  I need to find more zip locks though I am running low!  

That's it for now.  

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