Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Doing OK

 Dare I say I feel like allergies are getting under control.  The HVAC system has a lot of people hacking and wheezing I just need to toughen my immune system.

Ride in was uneventful.  Apparently the young man I was chatting with at the bus stop is "notorious" per the bus driver, doesn't pay, smokes weed, etc.  Sounds like a perfect candidate for the Gospel!  I am not sorry I gave him candy with a tract.  I will be praying.

Boss practically did an Intervention during the team meeting today over me and the diet sodas.  It was easy to blow my sister off as she's off, in a cult, etc. but my boss is a *Team Lead* at a huge corporation.  I will give this some thought.  Compounding this the tap water at work is ghastly so I will have to figure out what to drink instead.  

It was very hard getting going today but I did it.  I can hear someone snoring here in the break room.  It is cute.

That's it for now!


Anonymous said...

Getting off diet soda is hard. I've done it a few times. I found that if you can handle Stevia, even for a short time, the True Lemon drink mix sticks help. You just add them to water. They used to make some with a little bit of caffeine but I don't know that they still do. (And maybe Stevia triggers your migraines). I also weaned off of diet cokes by using the Crystal Light drink sticks. Still the same crappy sweetener but the Energy ones have a little caffeine and you are getting more water from them than diet soda.

Anonymous said...

Totally inappropriate that your boss was on you about your drinking diet soda. It's none of her business.

Heather Knits said...

She has a lot of boundary issues. One I don't like is confiding in associates. From my limited experience you have to have some separation to be effective. But she makes double what I do so what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Do you drink while you're working? If you do then it is her business.

Heather Knits said...

Yes I carry a bottle in my vest. The gist of what she said she doesn't have a problem with that it is just the amount and she is worried about my kidneys.