Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas morning

 Well I was pleasantly surprised.  While #6 had their annual party the music was low, the drinking restrained (based on the tone of the laughter), overall it was not a bad night for me as the next door neighbor so I'm thrilled.  

The gift opening was a little loud.  Based on what I heard, after midnight everyone took turns (as my family did) opening presents.  They would hold up the wrapped gift (surmising based on what I heard), everyone oohaing over it.  Then it was opened.  Then they would exclaim over it.  This was repeated again and again.  Finally they wrapped it up (!) and I went to bed.  

I woke up with a splitting headache which I attribute to my Queso chip (that is the flavor name, "Queso" by Ruffles).  They have been linked to past headaches, but I had them Friday and had a headache Saturday, and then I had them yesterday and a headache today so NOT doing that again.  

My aunt made me some sweet bread so I had that for breakfast, it was very good.  I also did my God Time and linked up the Fit Bit.  

My aunt was given a "Charge" at a white elephant gift party, she gave it to me.  I got it set up and paired with my Carb Manager app.  It needs a new strap so I ordered one.  

The cats are good and the weather is lovely although colder than I like.  

That's it for now!  

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