Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Ride to work was fairly uneventful

 Except the homeless guy with nine (I counted), some of them leaking, bags who reeked of BO and ashtray.  I am starting to see why the drivers run the air, it is about air circulation and not actual AC.

I remembered to bring some Spanish candy but I didn't see anyone likely.  

The cats are good, I saw everyone, Biscuit the most.  It was hard to get up with him lying on me he was so warm and soft.

One of the employees, not my department, playing head games.  I can't abide that.  Her son is dangerous, a grown man very large and heavy, got violent a few years back screaming and yelling.  They didn't ban him for some reason and she's always bringing him in, sharing disgusting toilet details of her dog, her husband came in one night and went off on me verbally over something stupid, etc the whole family needs to go to the nut house.  She always acts like I am dying to hear the latest drama I am not   I like most people but I can't STAND her.  And people are always confusing us and calling me her name.

I did get paid.  I allocated a certain amount for work snacks and took that out in cash.  I am also trying to figure out rides.  I have the money but do I want a ride to and from work on Christmas Eve?  It will be crazy.  I need to think about it.

My aunt will be coming down Friday night and spend most of Saturday with me that will be great!

I need to work on my mood before I start.  But the first step is realizing I have a mood 

Oh, good news, pardon the pun.  The weather will work for a Bible Handout on Christmas I am very excited about it.  


Anonymous said...

Speaking of moods, I just today realized I will not do the "work of satan" and hate people.

Heather Knits said...

Oh I don't hate her it's more "what NOW?". I just dread talking to her and always having to set boundaries.

Anonymous said...

Please watch this whistleblower video about the walmart connection to child trafficking and Texas.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think people mistake you for this woman?

Heather Knits said...

We have "H" names, are both white, long graying brown hair, about the same age although she is much shorter than me. "All you people look alike". I have made a point of showing my name badge to people who get the name wrong.