Tuesday, December 5, 2023

I am really happy

 The deli at work - how's that for symmetry?   Wants my tinsel trees so I'm going to bring them in.  I am not using them and I want them to have a good life admired by lots of people.

I just have to bring them on the bus.  That will be awkward but I'll manage.

I am really excited about this.


Anonymous said...

At my job, my boss wouldn't let me display Christmas on my desk because it might offend someone who doesn't celebrate it. The PC at my university is too much.

Heather Knits said...

What I don't get, Walmart was founded by a Christian man with Christian values, and it is very different since he died. Out of all the employees I am probably the only one who read his book (back in the 90's). It shows.