Sunday, December 3, 2023

Allergy cleanse

 I had a lot of bedding on the bed.  I'm one of those "cold house warm bed" people.  I had 4 blankets, a quilt, and a standard queen sheet set on the bed, with 4 pi - 5 pillows in the bed. 

So I stripped it all off and washed it, that took pretty much all day.  

I also fried up some pupusas - I bought some frozen at the local grocery store and fried up 2 in the skillet today (one at a time).  They were delicious and crispy.  The oil did get a little hot, and smoke.  

If directions say cook on medium or high (my stovetop knobs go up to #9) I have to keep it at 2 because my burners get VERY hot.  Always setting #2 if I want good food - very interesting, that. 

I was TERRIFIED of my gas stove when we first bought the house I kept thinking it would explode on me but almost 20 years later it has not.  I just have to keep the heat setting at #2.  I like it.  

I just use the stove top.  

I have a toaster oven if I want to cook a can of biscuits. 

So I do feel better when I go in the bedroom I'm not as congested.  I have decided I'm going to spread a top sheet on the bed and cover the bedding with it, wash the top sheet often.  

That should help with the allergies. 

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