Wednesday, December 13, 2023

I had some excitement last night

 The buses were running late by about half an hour.  I would guess holiday traffic.

I got off my last bus well after dark and started into the subdivision.  I walked on the side away from the vicious husky that came after me a month ago.

And there she was, sitting in her front yard, apparently waiting for the owner.  I went on high alert and was stepping lively let me tell you.  But no problem.

I got home at 6:30 and attempted to call animal control but they were closed.  "Call 911 if you got bit". What the everlasting hell am I paying taxes for?  I was pissed.  

I don't blame the dog, I smell like cats and the dog is just too much animal for a small yard.  I blame the owner.  

I will call again at work and see how that goes.

I talked to my parents and then my aunt.  I had a coughing attack during the phone call I was very embarrassed.

I slept OK and had an uneventful trip to the bus stop.  That's it for now!


Anonymous said...

I don't get why a dog sitting in their own yard is a problem and I highly doubt animal control would either.

Heather Knits said...

An aggressive dog in an unfenced yard is a problem.

Anonymous said...

I bet in Texas you could find bear spray or order it online. Make yourself big and scare the dog off. You run, they'll chase you.

Anonymous said...

I just checked, you can purchase bear spray online.

Heather Knits said...

I have pepper spray, although an animal control officer said it would make an attacking dog more aggressive!

If it's biting me all bets are off!

Anonymous said...

If you believe the dog is vicious, or even if it was just out roaming around, you should have called animal control a month ago when the dog approached you. Your tax dollars could have sent animal control to investigate weeks ago. You didn't bother. Based on your previous description of this dog, I don't think it is aggressive. No pets should be able to leave their yard unattended, and bad owners who allow it to happen should be reported.

Anonymous said...

What did the do that you think it's aggressive? I understand you are afraid of dogs, but that also means you don't know the postures or what different barks mean. You know about cats but not dogs,] what you see as aggressive may not be at all.

Offer it a treat if it comes too close to you talk to it like say good boy. Treats and soft talk works with dogs just like cats.The dog may see you as aggressive with your posture and big stick.

Have you considered talking to the owner? Not in an accusatory way, just tell them you're afraid of their dog when it's not confined and barks at you

Heather Knits said...

I guess you missed the post where it came after me. Barking and snapping at me very close circling me as well. I was scared shitless because if it had started biting me it would have killed me. It is well over 100 pounds and could knock me down easy. Then go for my throat and I'm dead. I am ok with dying just not like that.

Anonymous said...

That's all you got from that last post. You are too much lol

Heather Knits said...

I know a good dog vs a bad one. Bad dog wants to bite and this one does REAL bad. God is the only thing holding it back.

I didn't get the stick until it came after me. The stick is a good deterrent for homeless drug addicts as well.

Anonymous said...

God is not stopping the dog from biting you. That would be a violation of the dogs free will. Clearly walking in the opposite side of the street from the dog helped. I would keep.doing that

Anonymous said...

I have known three husky dogs in my life. They all circled people. It was not aggressive. Your description of the dog approaching you a month ago did not describe a vicious dog. It described a bored dog. As someone told you a month ago, if that dog wanted to bite you it would have. If it wanted to knock you over it would have.

You walked by the other day and this bloodthirsty assassin husky layed in it's yard and watched you walk past. Learn about dog behavior. I am truly concerned that you will overreact to a dog approaching you and escalate the situation by hitting the dog with your stick or swinging the stick around. Re read the comment above about how to talk to the dog, offering a treat etc. That comment gave excellent suggestions.
I walk miles and miles every week, and encounter loose dogs about once a month. I don't like it either, but I have learned to handle it. If I ever thought a dog was aggressive I would call animal control immediately so no one gets hurt and the dog could be checked for illness or injury.

Anonymous said...

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.” -Psalm 91:11-12

Heather Knits said...

To 10:01, the dog was not laying in it's yard it was sitting up very alert.

My cats make a serious point of scent marking me every day before I leave, rubbing against my body and clothes, so I reek of cats. I believe the husky does not like that. I know some other dogs in the neighborhood do not - these are shepherds. The shepherds are in a properly fenced yard so they just growl, bark, claw at the fence whenever I walk by on THE OTHER SIDE of the street. Some thug can walk by on their side and they don't even mutter. But me they do. In both cases I believe it is the cat scent triggering these dogs.

I can't make the cats stop I have tried.

When the dog did come after me - and it did - I just kept walking slowly and talking to God in my head basically begging Him not to take me that way.

They are doing a lot of construction near the husky's yard and from what I can see the owner has reinforced the fence extensively so hopefully that's all over now.

And I left my stick at work Friday night so Monday morning's going to be a lot of fun.